Example sentences of "[to-vb] the [noun sg] [prep] this [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 NCp7 has been found to bind to strong stop cDNA , the initial product of reverse transcription , and to promote the annealing of this cDNA to HIV-1 RNA corresponding to the 3' end of the genome .
2 This must be at one end of the housing , clear of the other compartments , and then you will be able to slide the glass off this compartment without sliding it off the others .
3 ( G ) In the event of any occurrence giving rise to a dispute between a party hereto and its Insured or to a claim against a party hereto other than a claim for which this Agreement provides it shall be optional to such party upon notice thereof to suspend the application of this Agreement to such occurrence until such dispute or claim has been adjusted provided that such party shall indemnify the other party hereto against all costs and expenses incurred as a consequence of such suspension in defending its interests in a matter for which this Agreement provides .
4 The conference report condemned genital mutilation and provided practical strategies to combat the practice in this country .
5 A record-breaking one million people will flock to see the film over this weekend alone .
6 Are we ever going to see the publication of this masterpiece ?
7 It is refreshing , therefore , to see the publication of this book , written nearly 40 years ago , in which an inventor of real achievement acknowledges ‘ an interplay of economic and social forces ’ and the importance of the ‘ social environment ’ , but also asserts and describes the role of individual insight .
8 Even if you decide at the end of the day that you 're not bothered about the MIRAS tax relief , you want to see the back of this loan , keep your endowment running , because that 's where the real meat of the contract is .
9 ‘ Some 20 million South Africans , black and white , ’ continued Dr Bacher , ‘ will be able to see the cricket on this tour live on TV , and will see how cricket has brought people together in the West Indies .
10 You may also be able to see the rabbit at this stage .
11 For example , all the competitors had to blow into what resembled a gas meter and the capacity of the lung was recorded , I failed to see the point of this exercise , and that , with other medical experiements , only fired my resolve to upset the doctors ' wager , which I believe was for a box of cigars .
12 Er , I 'm personally glad to see the appearance of this document so that we can clarify the situation with regards to these conferences .
13 ‘ I need some boots repaired , I 'd like to see the workmanship of this shoemaker . ’
14 Reg Brealey said yesterday : ‘ I am sorry to see the club in this position . ’
15 The authors would like to acknowledge the participation in this study of service users and staff and the assistance of and the help and support of other colleagues in the Centre .
16 But because of the bureaucratic necessity to generalize and disregard distinctions too fine for large-scale enforcement and administration , some people are able to do better if they refuse to acknowledge the authority of this law .
17 It is evident that certain people , from radically diverse backgrounds and with radically diverse interests , are quite prepared to acknowledge the validity of this claim .
18 Mr Cottle looked up to acknowledge the reaction to this information , but at once looked down again when he saw Mungo and Emily grinning at each other .
19 More experiments follow , all , we will suppose , impeccably designed , and the results seem to confirm the persistence of this accuracy order across a wide range of experimental conditions .
20 The north gate is presumed to lie at the point where modern Northgate Street cuts the line of the wall ; a Roman street underlying the modern one here would seem to confirm the correctness of this assumption .
21 as if to emphasise the significance of this movement , Ricci took a full minute to perform the simple rotation .
22 At present , a recipient of Invalidity Benefit is likely to lose the whole of this income transfer as soon as they enter employment .
23 It would have been difficult to estimate the extent of this use of cassettes even if the events had not been so emotionally charged .
24 It is too early to estimate the value of this dog at stud in Scandinavia , but the litter sired in the UK has produced winners at Championship Show level , not only in the UK but also in Australia and Norway itself , for one of his sons Jagen Blue Brutally Handsome , was exported to Norway to the kennel of Mr T Lindstrome prior to Kolja 's arrival in Norway .
25 It is interesting to compare the methodology of this experiment with that of recent studies which have used more natural discourse .
26 Erm , and therefore it feels it would be disingenuous of it to support the principle at this stage , it may well lead to a situation where were encouraging the County to go down a particular route , but only to get to the very end of it for us to pull the rug from beneath the County 's feet .
27 Erm , I think I answered this question this morning in response to erm Miss Whitaker 's erm er question to me , erm Hambledon 's objection to the principle of a new settlement is based upon , erm , our interpretation of P P G three , we feel that , as I said , it would be disingenuous of us to support the principle at this stage knowing that we were unwilling to accept a new settlement in Hambledon .
28 The fact that their citizens leak into the city to avail themselves of our facilities is something that we might deal with in another sphere , even on day residents were seen to attend the theatre in this town recently , erm unfortunately this authority does n't see fit to actually subsidise the theatre .
29 In 1980 , three ‘ Laura Ashley ’ shops opened in Atlanta , Georgia , Baltimore , Maryland and Costa Mesa , California , and Laura derived great pleasure from travelling to the West Coast to attend the opening of this shop .
30 Add to this a generally shallow level of discourse marked by cliché calls for ‘ cultural growth ’ and ‘ multicultural relativity ’ , and you will begin to sense the absurdity of this function of UNESCO 's museum arm .
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