Example sentences of "[to-vb] the [noun sg] [noun] [noun] over " in BNC.

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1 Last night America threatened to use Cruise missiles against Serbia to enforce the air exclusion zone over Bosnia .
2 Robyn glanced across at her and fought the impulse to pour the bolognese sauce right over the expensively coiffured hairstyle .
3 HIT man Chris Hackney scored two gems to give the Jewellery Division victory over battling Wedgwood Barlaston and win the Group 's soccer tournament .
4 After tea , Clare pulled the sitting-room curtains together but did n't switch on the light ; she preferred to watch the firelight flick shadows over the walls .
5 About the middle of 1942 it became evident that in order to make the night bombing raids over Germany more effective , some form of air marking would have to be developed to guide the aircraft more accurately to their targets .
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