Example sentences of "[to-vb] it [pron] [vb mod] [verb] it " in BNC.

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1 Er but yes you could put your wife and two children and if your wife is fit to do it she can do it , if she is n't the two children can do it instead or her and one of the children to help each other out .
2 If you want to do it you can do it .
3 But if you still want me to do it I will do it .
4 If they 're short of somewhere to put it we 'll send it up Top Valley Terry .
5 A child will learn far more about a dandelion if he has to draw it because to draw it he must observe it very carefully and the drawing of it will implant the shape and colour and texture firmly in his mind , even though his drawing may not be very good or life-like .
6 I suggest that we do the usual thing of passing that one round so that if anybody wants to read it they can read it .
7 It asks you what you 've got to do for , it tells you what you 've to do for your test and it tells you what you should and what you should n't do , it 's only forty one pages so if you want to read it you can have it , it 's quite good , it 's not full pages either it 's like drawings and just bits of paragraphs .
8 I just burnt twenty quid on food and if I stay here to eat it I 'll take it out on them !
9 Do you want to take it you can finish it in your room .
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