Example sentences of "[pos pn] [noun pl] on [pron] [conj] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Do not fix anything so low over a sofa that people can knock their heads on it when getting up or even leaning back ; all the same , try to place everything at a reasonably flexible eye level .
2 In conversation , people do not fix their eyes on you and make notes : they are informal and natural , while talks are set piece , formal occasions .
3 Maggie fastened her eyes on him and tried to get control of her temper and her very stupidly lingering disappointment .
4 They clamp their jaws on it and hang on , martyring themselves for the sake of the colony .
5 So after they had fasted and prayed , they placed their hands on them and sent them off .
6 I refused to let the nurse wield her scissors on them and put myself through gyrations of a one-legged contortionist to get them off whole .
7 Canvassers for the main parties report ‘ white-hot indifference ’ mingled with ‘ raging boredom ’ as householders slam their doors on them or attack them with peashooters and water pistols from upper windows with a degree of commitment to the democratic process which experienced observers described as ‘ unprecedented ’ and ‘ profoundly conducive to thought ’ .
8 John was unlike anyone Anne knew with his views on everything that happened in the world .
9 He kept his eyes on her and reached for his tie .
10 Helen felt his eyes on her and looked up .
11 She could sense his eyes on her and felt a sudden bashfulness .
12 He ran to the garden gate , put his feet on it and peered over .
13 She hid the cutting in the cocktail cabinet in the prop-room — if she took it home Uncle Vernon might get his hands on it and embarrass her by reading it out to the commercial travellers .
14 And they spat on him , and took the reed and began to beat him on the head , and after they had mocked him they took his robe off and put his garments on them and led him away to be , to crucify him .
15 If he had crawled under the rails in order to throw himself off the cliff , then he could easily have caught his slacks on something and left the thread behind .
16 3 Demand management of all resources , ensuring the best use of scarce resources , moderating our demands on them and reducing consumption where necessary , in accordance with sustainable supply and capacity .
17 Demand management of all resources , ensuring the best use of scarce resources , moderating our demands on them and reducing consumption where necessary , in accordance with sustainable supply and capacity .
18 I want you to unload all your problems on me and let me take care of them .
19 I think for me , one of the main questions is how we enter into joint activity with the British Labour Movement , or do we just turn our backs on it and say we ca n't do it , they are too racist , they are too imperialist .
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