Example sentences of "[pos pn] [noun pl] for [det] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Investors have criticised last week 's fiscal package and interest rate cut as too little too late and voted with their feet for most of the week by selling out of the market .
2 Erm well that base budget is rather higher than we are expecting and the time when , the policy committee set its targets for each of the service committees .
3 In the past , fleas used to be a problem only during the warmer months of the year in temperate areas , but now the advent of central heating has enabled these parasites to plague dogs and their owners for much of the year .
4 We will ensure that all children have their memories for each of the foundation subjects tested at the ages of seven , 11 , 13 and 16 .
5 Karen Rowbottom from Cobham branch was cruelly deprived of the winner 's title again this year , not only in the singles but also in the doubles final — virtually identical to her results for each of the last four years .
6 Parents would not see their children for most of the day , and when they finished their daily work they would be too tired for much except rest .
7 There was also Alain , who filled her thoughts for most of the time .
8 ‘ Inmates want to work in the kitchen because it means they can be out of their cells for most of the day and can have a bit of extra food , ’ he says .
9 Many of the prisoners are locked up in their cells for most of the 24 hours in the day .
10 At first she was furious that he could be so careless of his responsibilities for half of the mortgage .
11 ‘ We 've been sitting around twiddling our thumbs for some of the time and people have been sloping off early , ’ he said .
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