Example sentences of "[pos pn] [noun pl] [adj] [prep] [noun] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Supp. , and the nancy poets and the Archbishop of Canterbury and Comrade X , author of Marxism for Infants — all of us really owe the comparative decency of our lives to poor drudges underground , blackened to their eyes , with their throats full of coal dust , driving their shovels forward with arms and belly muscles of steel .
2 They were all laughing and peering over and down , their heads black against sheet lightning .
3 And wonderful to hear the score in the Opera House again , its beauties safe in Ashley Lawrence 's conducting .
4 Strikes rapidly disappeared as union after union either found their members unwilling in union ballots to risk strike action which might mean unemployment , or else felt wary of running up huge costs through fines in the courts .
5 ‘ But if it helps the Royal Navy achieving their duty of keeping their submarines clear of fishing vessels then that 's fine .
6 Beruna glared as he walked past to join Okawi , her hands full of seal blubber , a bone knife beside her on the sand .
7 She pushed past him through the doorway , her hands full of salt cellar , Vinegar bottle , sauce bottle and pickle jar .
8 Some make their facilities available to postgraduate students .
9 Diabetics may develop errors at any stage in this process , making their cells resistant to insulin stimulation .
10 Despite the thick refuse which bobbed and dipped on the river surface , water carriers were now filling their barrels full of Thames water to sell on the streets and alleyways of London .
11 She tiptoed across the wide polished boards , past the stuffed bear with his arms full of walking sticks , the brass-faced longcase clock , the dignified portrait of old Mr Jarman with his watching eyes , and quietly opened the door , drawing in great breaths of sharp fresh air , revelling in this stolen freedom .
12 For a free copy write to the Society at … oh , and keep your eyes open for Mandy Johnson 's words of wisdom in the future !
13 All our hampers full of quality goods price fixed today .
14 Is not it a sad reflection on the Government that after 12 years they have failed to provide the necessary skills training for our work force to make our industries competitive in world markets ?
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