Example sentences of "[pos pn] [noun pl] [prep] the [adj] day " in BNC.

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1 I thought little about this prospect or indeed , about the opposition , as I was not intending to go the full distance after my exertions in the previous day 's 10K .
2 All my motions on the first day .
3 She did find an Italian restaurant a couple of blocks away to dine in , however , and there made a point of drinking enough chianti to ensure a good night 's sleep , which her plans for the following day suggested she would need .
4 Best selling author Lena Kennedy did n't start writing her books about the old days in the East End of London until she was in her 60s , and painter Beryl Cooke also found fame in later life .
5 This exciting new play traces the history of the Dock Ward area of Belfast , from its origins to the present day , in an evening of song , dance , music and drama .
6 At least ninety-three people lost their lives in the first days of fighting .
7 Pray that they would know the gentle touch of our Lord in their lives in the coming days .
8 Now they have eaten and drunk , taking turns from their one glass with the broken pedestal , smoked their short pipe , and are finally done telling their experiences of the past day .
9 Christy went back across the sea for a ceremony on Leros to commemorate those who had died for their countries during the five day battle .
10 They have a lovely daughter named Katie who acted as one of their attendants on the big day .
11 He was a co-founder of the CNAC , involved in programming the Centre 's activities and looking after its collections from the early days .
12 Lady Braithwaite spoke of her memories of the early days when Molly and her mother were even then busy trying to find suitable material in the right shad of blue for Medau tunics .
13 For example , of all the spare-time activities reported by affluent workers and their wives in the few days before being interviewed 62 per cent were in or about the home itself .
14 To medieval man it meant a process reserved for the preservation of the corpses of the important , so that they might sleep uncorrupted in their tombs until the Last Day , when body and soul would be reunited to appear before God for His judgement .
15 I would like to look at the people who are being cared for , the people that we 're talking about , are the elderly , quite often these people have lived through two world wars and given up their young married life , they have brought up their children through the bleak days of the general strike , is it right that these people have to suffer the indignity of charity hand-outs ?
16 It has been officially reckoned by educationalists that school-leavers of yesteryear ( even at 14 ) were far more advanced in the three R's and the sciences than their counterparts of the present day who leave at 16 .
17 Beyond question , Moses Buchanan and his son bargained for their votes on the actual day of election , and indeed as Sir James acknowledges , it was their votes which carried his election .
18 While Don Peters was on his feet on the second day of the meeting of the European Planning Committee , explaining his plan to rejuvenate the ailing British vehicle division , Fred Clasper was also on his feet setting in motion his scheme to put the final nail in its coffin .
19 She had not exactly been reading Tennyson but had remembered John quoting one of his poems during the first days of their acquaintance .
20 John Sculley at Apple Computer Inc is another name that has been canvassed , and he is the exception that proves the rule that an outsider ca n't run a computer company , but he came in fascinated by the business and devoted all his efforts in the early days learning about it for himself rather than relying on his minions , something no-one taking over IBM now has time to do .
21 If Sid put £100 ( $175 ) into each of the big privatisations and sold his shares on the first day of trading — as many such investors did — he would ( before expenses ) have got back an extra 41% .
22 We bought him and his friends a drink which gave him a chance to quiz us on our movements for the next day .
23 I , I would normally say to you now , right what 's your objectives for the two days , but to be honest if we do that , er , I do n't think it helps very much , erm , but if anybody wants to make any comments about any specific part of it , er , then I 'll try and just talk you through it .
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