Example sentences of "[pos pn] [noun pl] [prep] [adv] [det] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 By the time she wound the scarlet sash around her waist once more , miniaturized digital weapons hooded her fingers like so many baroque thimbles .
2 A group of young drug-addicts and glue sniffers from a nearby remand centre knocked off the voie normale in the company of their warders without too much bother , bringing a new meaning to the old phrase ‘ going high . ’
3 But when I see managers present their ideas in just this sort of well-if-you-don't-like-it-that's-all-right way , I can understand why so many are so ineffective in getting new things done .
4 But when the New Zealanders went in search of quick runs the following morning , they achieved their aims without too many alarms , thanks to bright knocks from all the lower order .
5 Hanging her coat on the back of the door in her office , she observed the utilitarian nature of her surroundings with even more dissatisfaction than usual .
6 They are also likely to have more savings , extra pensions and insurance income which will enable them to maintain their life-style , their status and to pursue their interests without as much regard to cost .
7 For Blue Circle , cement volumes tumbled by 17 p.c. in Britain last year , and yet group profits fell by ‘ only ’ 36 p.c. and it could maintain its dividends without too much strain .
8 All of the highest-marked speakers this year began their talks in just this way , with eye-catching first slides , with sound , or with both .
9 Cassie recalled her thoughts of early that morning .
10 It is open to any local education authority to tilt its scheme towards primary schools and I have been encouraging local education authorities , where appropriate , to revise their schemes with precisely that aim .
11 The interesting thing is that Lord Leverhulme , who was so far ahead of his contemporaries in so many ways , missed two essential elements in the situation .
12 But it must also be remembered that this statement was made after his involvement with Surrealism and that he might not have phrased his reactions in precisely this way in earlier years .
13 He never spoiled , nor allowed others to spoil , his players with too much praise , but struck a subtle balance between encouragement and discipline . ’
14 He said , ‘ I 'd talked so much to Nigel about his thoughts on so many things that as far as I 'm concerned he was with us all the way through .
15 Resist the temptation to overburden your notes with too much information .
16 We are the crusaders , the gallant army fighting for our lives with hardly any weapons at all and the Trunchbull is the Prince of Darkness , the Foul Serpent , the Fiery Dragon with all the weapons at her command .
17 ‘ It would mean you 'd get the chance to pick out four players better suited to your needs with very little money changing hands , ’ he said .
18 ‘ Do you mind not answering our questions with so many questions , Lady Prendergast ? ’
19 The injunction which still holds good is that we should use our resources with as much single-mindedness and astuteness as the unjust steward displayed but in our case to further the interests of the Kingdom of God .
20 We are trying to run our bodies on too little air .
21 Both of us ( usually ) have more energy to give him as we are able to follow our careers without too much pressure on being sole bread-winner or sole childcarer .
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