Example sentences of "[pos pn] [noun pl] [vb past] [adv prt] to the " in BNC.

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1 The DHSS were playing me up over the removal grant , so one of my sons went up to the house to see if there were any letters — everything had been smashed , crocks were smashed and the beds were slashed .
2 I discussed the format of the diet with various callers and then one of my members came in to the shop .
3 My thoughts rippled out to the airport , then to the bus to Chinchero , to the large numbers of people who were there , who must have seen what was going on , who did nothing .
4 There is good evidence that a flourishing trade in false antiquities existed at the turn of the century , and its products filtered through to the United States and Europe .
5 Now she found there was a window-catch ; she slid it aside and her feet whispered out to the balustrade , scarcely touching the ground .
6 Once stomachs had settled to life at sea their owners got down to the serious work of filling them with the gargantuan meals offered .
7 The heads of all three of its occupants whipped round to the large screen , where a buzzing black shape hovered expectantly .
8 But I 'm a wage-earner myself , you know , now , ’ she said , and her thoughts travelled back to the past month , when she had eked out their very slender resources by taking out a couple of children every afternoon .
9 Ashley 's concentration wavered and her thoughts travelled back to the man in the car .
10 Even more drastic intervention was to take place in China ; its roots went back to the control of the Chinese government 's revenue by foreign supervision of the Customs from 1858 onwards .
11 His policies looked back to the more aggressive activities of his father ; he fought the Alans , and he attacked Arles .
12 But his eyes went back to the Workshops and he frowned and sought for the right thing to say .
13 As his eyes went back to the old lady , she saw the smile turn on again , and quick suspicion kindled in her breast .
14 Then his eyes strayed back to the Luggage .
15 His eyes flickered down to the gondola .
16 his feet came down to the knees on it
17 Immediately after the Last Supper , Jesus and his disciples went out to the Mount of Olives .
18 She saw Tig standing on the enclosure wall , his arms stretched out to the sides , his head thrown back .
19 He bared her breasts ; put his tongue to them as his hands went down to the belt of her skirt , to find that she 'd changed for the trip , and was wearing jeans .
20 Suddenly she heard the sound of an approaching car on the road running alongside the promenade , and as its headlights shone on them , she tried to pull away , turning her head so that his kisses fell on to the side of her face and down on to her shoulder .
21 She groaned aloud in pleasure when his kisses continued down to the swell of her bosom .
22 His thoughts drifted back to the Connons .
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