Example sentences of "[pos pn] [noun pl] [conj] [pers pn] is [adv] " in BNC.

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1 This does not fit squarely with my equations but it is not unrelated to them .
2 I never detail calorie content in my diets because it is n't necessary .
3 However , she is prepared to relax her views as she is currently looking for an accountant who is willing to do her books in return for , er , payment in kind .
4 Third , an animal may be brightly coloured as a warning to its enemies that it is not to be trifled with .
5 A hostess in tight teeshirt and jeans lingers only long enough to assure Kate discreetly with her eyes that she is not poaching on her territory , smiles velvetly at Jeremy , brings them their drinks .
6 The disabled face much frustration and discrimination in their lives and it is vitally important that they receive the maximum help through education , careers guidance , training and help with obtaining employment so that at least they have a real chance to find and keep satisfactory work .
7 Mr de Klerk 's people say the Congress is dragging its feet because it is too disorganised to talk .
8 The value of professionality is that it focuses attention upon the activities of teachers in relation to pupils , each other and their organisations and it is thus a dynamic concept in opposition to the rather static ‘ characteristics ’ or ‘ descriptive ’ approach inherent in most studies of professionalism .
9 The most famous example is the Rainbow Lobby , which reminds donors in unreadably small footnotes to its fliers that it is not affiliated with Jesse Jackson 's Rainbow Coalition .
10 She spoke quite easily about her feelings and she is totally man crazy .
11 Many patients may not feel able to express their fears and it is therefore important to recognise other signs of anxiety .
12 Because I have also read other of Rosa Guy 's novels , I know that her style is continuous throughout her stories and it is very rarely that one of her books ends happily .
13 Such rigidities can be observed in organizations and institutions as well as whole cultures : the small , traditional engineering or textile firm which fails to adapt to the market and goes out of business ; the political party caught between renewal and betrayal ; the institution so deeply set in its ways that it is hardly aware of them .
14 As Paris et al performed their measurements by instant manometry using the solid or liquid bolus , the difference between their results and ours is entirely attributable to the positive effect of the arrival of the liquid or solid bolus in the segment of colon in their studies , while in our patients the propulsive waves were in response to the contents of the colonic segment at the time .
15 Chinese parents do , of course , shower love and attention on their children but it is always made quite clear that child's-play has to remain well within the limits of normal social behaviour .
16 Either the society is , in such circumstances , alienated from its government and its laws or it is not .
17 Some manufacturers may provide the necessary information on their papers and it is always worth asking for it .
18 Terraces , walls , lawns and borders all play their parts but it is only by judicious planting that we can ensure as much joy in January as in June .
19 John Patten , counting his blessings that he is not yet a Treasury Minister , opted to avoid the economy altogether and put his faith in education , as befits an Oxford fellow .
20 The writer of the article in the June issue ‘ Construction Industry — Its ailments and cures ’ makes it clear by his comments that he is not up-to-date in his knowledge of our industry .
21 The male , which senses her hum through his long feathered antennae , does not unfurl his wings until he is sexually mature .
22 Most of us do not find it easy to imagine our futures and it is extremely rare to meet an individual capable of projecting himself mentally more than about five years ahead .
23 I do n't think , you know , he 's not trying to ram it down our throats but it is there Michael .
24 Remember that you are always in control , and if there is anything which makes you at all anxious , all you have to do is open your eyes and it is all over .
25 We have cocopeat in our flowerpots and it is very good , but there is one drawback Geoff did n't mention .
26 You can leave the fabric in place almost until you are ready to gather your crops as it is so light the plants just push it up as they grow .
27 This process has placed enormous pressure upon our employees and it is tremendously encouraging to see the way in which staff have committed themselves to the new organisation .
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