Example sentences of "[pos pn] [noun pl] [conj] [pers pn] be [adv] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ At least I will be using my skills while I 'm abroad , not just bumming round the world for a year ! ’
2 ‘ All that has happened to me has helped open my eyes and I am still young enough to put the past firmly behind me . ’
3 Professor Ruiperez told me I need not start my classes until I was quite recovered , and the women in the office and the library spoke friendly words to me for the first time .
4 I AM RESOLVED to leave some brief account of my days while I am still able .
5 It was all at my fingertips and I was only too pleased to be of some assistance , from whatever quarter the request came .
6 Please accept my apologies if you 're already working towards this arrangement of the new cancelled dates .
7 Dally goes as far as to state that it indicates a bad prognosis for the disease , but I am glad to be able to report that although my jealousy continued into my adolescence , including the anorexic period , it did not deter my recovery , and that my sisters and I are now the best of friends .
8 ‘ Though my sisters and I were never given pocket money .
9 I did no work that I can remember — I know I was considered hopeless by my teachers and I was quite ready to believe I was hopeless — I can quite well remember keeping mice at the back of the classroom and I can remember the smell .
10 I hear from two of my friends that they were likewise inspired and helped by the Mass of Christ the King ’ .
11 ‘ I took my life in my hands as it was just now — telling you so much about myself and my life . ’
12 I am a gardener of the physical who spend many hours tending my flowers but I am also a mental gardener and spend even more hours tending transcendent flowers .
13 My colleagues and I were particularly interested in the Central Laser facility , whose staff do research of their own , but also ‘ run the shop ’ for some 36 groups in 26 university departments , involved in the programme .
14 However , she is prepared to relax her views as she is currently looking for an accountant who is willing to do her books in return for , er , payment in kind .
15 He smiled : ‘ I 've seen kids throw away their clubs but they are still here 10 years later .
16 When the woman put her hand up to protect herself the man grabbed two rings off her fingers but they were later recovered in the car .
17 Students want a rapid return of tests for three reasons : they like to feel that they are not being neglected and that correcting their work is considered important by the tutors ; they want to see the result of their attempts while they are still fresh from their memories and they need to see the results of tests before attempting the next one , since tutors may well make comments which will help them to improve .
18 ‘ Apparently , her cat had very bad plaque on its teeth and she was really concerned , so I gave her some advice and Amy has been in touch ever since .
19 ‘ Particularly after the privatisation of the buses , people are even more dependent on their cars than they were before , ’ he said .
20 They got round this by not telling their husbands until it was too late .
21 ‘ They shut their eyes , little poppets , and hang their heads till it 's all over . ’
22 She never knew how long she slept , but when she drifted back to consciousness she was aware even before opening her eyes that she was no longer alone in the room , and her body stiffened .
23 He had to look into her eyes because he was so close to her that to look elsewhere would have been blatant rudeness .
24 Seals can close their earholes when they are underwater , and the earholes of whales have shrunk to a minute size .
25 Members of such groups are usually very friendly and so grateful that people turn up to their performances that they are quite often there to smile and chat to visitors at the door .
26 No one really knows its origins but it was certainly used therapeutically by the Ancient Egyptians , the Greeks and the Romans .
27 The disabled face much frustration and discrimination in their lives and it is vitally important that they receive the maximum help through education , careers guidance , training and help with obtaining employment so that at least they have a real chance to find and keep satisfactory work .
28 Despite this , there are instances of visually handicapped pupils who do much for themselves in overcoming their limitations because they are really interested in taking part in sport .
29 The amphiuma , from the same part of the world , still possesses all four of its limbs but they are so minuscule that you have to look very carefully if you are not to miss them .
30 Burun looked , but he could see only unprepared men who had not even drawn their bows because they were so confident of success .
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