Example sentences of "[pos pn] [noun pl] [verb] up [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 The DHSS were playing me up over the removal grant , so one of my sons went up to the house to see if there were any letters — everything had been smashed , crocks were smashed and the beds were slashed .
2 My eyes light up at the sight of her even though she 's hitting me about the head , so to speak .
3 Due to my forward speed the mat and my feet ended up under the AOC 's desk at the same time saluted , and my Wolseley sun helmet sped to the opposite corner of the room .
4 There was a smell inside that made all my senses rear up like a horse that smells blood .
5 we had our red and white rosettes and when our , I was sitting watching the match and when they scored the goal my slippers went up in the air .
6 Laverne , I just want you to know that business could be seriously affected if my guests end up in a mess , dammit .
7 ‘ If all my guests end up in the swamp , where is that gon na get me .
8 With my impressions stored up from the initial set of interviews , I came to see an intriguing challenge .
9 The six-day separation from William and Harry over the traditional family holiday was the first time Diana had not seen her sons wake up to the excitement of Christmas Day .
10 With a low gasp she let her fingers slide up over the daunting hardness of his shoulders , touch the short , thick hair at his nape … he moved his hands down to her hips , in a quick convulsive movement , crushing her against him .
11 A diet which is bizarre or extreme may bring about weight loss if strictly adhered to but , as the brain draws on its reserves to make up for the deficiency in vital nutrients , the dieter is likely to become edgy , easily upset and to experience difficulty in making decisions .
12 To help its clients keep up with the seemingly exponential growth of market data , Yamaichi Securities Co. , Ltd. has created the world 's first integrated information system focused exclusively on the financial sector .
13 Inside , the five-aisled church is immensely tall , its piers extending up to the complicated stellar and geometric ribbed vaults of nave and choir .
14 Her lips curved up in a smile .
15 From time to time , her eyes screwed up in a spasm of misery .
16 The winning team is the one which has all its frogs lined up at the other end of the room .
17 All their trumpets tilted up from the ground , as if together they were sounding a blast to the sky .
18 For a while they walked in silence , retracing their steps back up towards the house .
19 There is a gem in the Heraklion Museum showing two rampant lions with their forepaws perched up on an altar : at the centre , in place of a pillar or some other representation of the deity , is an unmistakable rayed sun which , as we have already seen , is one of the manifestations of Poteidan ( Figure 44 ) .
20 The consolidated financial statements include those of the Company and all its subsidiaries made up to the end of the financial year .
21 They tend to rely on their parents to put up with the drudgery of queues and are only interested in capitalism and the rewards it can bring .
22 Instead , we gradually get the horse used to having its feet picked up , little by little , until it will tolerates having its feet picked up for a longer time without causing any fuss .
23 Even the men cleaning their weapons looked up at the mention of the name .
24 For thousands of children who spend their days locked up in the shanty towns while their parents work , the streets offer freedom and escape from domestic violence as well as a springboard to prostitution or petty crime .
25 Their calculations came up with the number of a thousand trillion trillion times atmospheric , 1027 , a number larger than the number of atoms in your body .
26 Her freckles joined up into an even tan — nothing excessive , the colour of lightly browned toast would do .
27 In Les Patineurs and Les Rendezvous Ashton makes his dancers travel upwards as well in an effort to show off their abilities to keep up with the music and beat each other to the exit .
28 It was suddenly as though the passion had been drained from her , her juices drying up like a desert stream in summer .
29 In a broadcast speech on July 26 marking the 38th anniversary on the assault on the Moncada barracks , a landmark in the Cuban revolution , President Fidel Castro called on the population to redouble their efforts to stand up to the continuing economic blockade by the United States and to the economic and political collapse of the Eastern bloc , characterizing the latter as a " disaster " [ see p. 38229 ] .
30 This is why comic picture-postcards of the time show people at the seaside , paddling in the sea with their trouser-legs rolled up to the knee , or little girls with their dresses tucked into their knickers .
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