Example sentences of "[pos pn] [noun pl] [verb] [pers pn] not [verb] " in BNC.

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1 I can remember being asked to run the mile at school and my parents encouraging me not to stop ( try hard ) .
2 She flew back to Lima and wrote to all her clients telling them not to expect any more craft goods : she was quitting and going to work in the jungle .
3 ‘ The temptation is to give them everything , ’ says Janka Stuttard , the Russian speaker who co-ordinated the visit , ‘ but their parents asked us not to do that because it makes it difficult for them to settle back home .
4 His finger pressed her lips , his eyes warning her not to continue .
5 Newman put a finger to his lips to warn her not to speak Standing up , he walked behind the couch into the bay .
6 As a last resort , Richard Baxter decided to try the Bishop of Worcester to seek his permission to return to Kidderminster , even though he knew the Bishop was no friend of the Gospel , and even though many of his friends entreated him not to go fearing his arrest .
7 Thus , though our parents tell us not to stare at strangers , not to speak with our mouths full , etc. , they unintentionally teach us much more besides .
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