Example sentences of "[pos pn] [noun sg] [prep] [noun] when [art] " in BNC.

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1 Menem , who had accepted Yoma 's resignation only a few days before , had been forced to suspend her from her post in March when a report by a Spanish investigative judge , hearing evidence in the Spanish capital , Madrid , accused her of being part of an international drug laundering ring .
2 Improving staff morale — Staff also felt that the care programme approach could help their morale and broaden their repertoire of interventions when the training process they received ‘ valued staff ’ and taught them about each other 's professional skills and local resources .
3 In fact , Mrs Jenkins is left in such a poorly condition that she is unable to present her version of events when the matter is brought before the police court .
4 Emma Butler , 12 , was at a sports day with her family in May when the accident happened at the European School for children of nuclear scientists near Abingdon in Oxon .
5 He was all right financially — he had always been shrewd and he made his money in days when the Inland Revenue had allowed people to keep some of it — but his prospects of regaining his former place in the public 's esteem seemed negligible .
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