Example sentences of "[pos pn] [noun sg] [noun sg] and i [verb] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ … my harness slipper and I dropped ten thousand feet hanging by one leg .
2 This has ruined my sitting room and I have been onto the council about it but they have done nothing . ’
3 A sketch wad found on my locker door and I believe the author was Nobby Hall ; he had opposed my views on ditching , as well he might , since he was an ex-officer , Merchant Navy , who had joined the RAF as a direct entry sergeant pilot in the Baldwin expansion period , and it was indeed ironic that he should perish and his crew saved .
4 I picked up my lunch box and I walked to school .
5 The underground economy in every socialist state , however , has always been resolutely capitalist , and so my friend Kurowski and I have come here tonight to find out how the world 's oldest profession is adjusting to the new economic realities .
6 ‘ He took my phone number and I met him again a couple of times .
7 That 's my pocket notebook and I keep it up to date , that 's another piece of equipment I use .
8 He thinks it 's a riding-crop handle , while my detecting partner and I fancy it to be a parasol-holder .
9 Because I went up to their fabric department and I want to after Christmas I 'm going to wash all the covers on the er settees , you know er the dralon .
10 I 'm surprised I 've had so few reactions but its holiday time and I guess a lot of people have smiled anyway and remembered its the ‘ silly season ’ !
11 Erm you know I mean i i wi the Queen I think has given a wonderful example and her family life and I feel very sorry for the way her her children have you know the stresses of modern life ha have caused all these things and I feel for Charles an and Diana deeply .
12 Jean had n't long passed her driving test and I tried to help by pointing out when she should be moving up through the gears .
13 Mowbray said : ‘ Every player wants to play for his home club and I have great memories of my Boro days .
14 Bruno , while coy about the details of the offer , said : ‘ Rock gave me his telephone number and I gave him mine .
15 Nicola had made me go and see if he was okay and I said yes he was , because I 'd seen his eye move and I left him there .
16 yes and everybody not too happy as you can probably imagine erm Peter erm while we were talking to Paul Simpson , in fact Brian Horton was holding his press conference and I think he said the same as everybody else ; ‘ Bolder the opposition goalkeeper had an inspired game , but really United had the chances and the possession , and really everything to kill Charlton off long before half time and really put no pressure on themselves in the second half . ’
17 Eric came back from his school cruise and I started to talk a little after he arrived ; just nonsense at first , then later disjointed hints at what had happened , always followed by screaming and catatonia .
18 I always knew how much he earned , because he used to give me his pay note and I 'd to go down and collect it .
19 I am sure de Macon had his hand on his dagger hilt and I realised for all they knew I could be a member of the Luciferi .
20 In truth there was no connection , for my original family name was Sillitoe , but , long before I was born , my father had adopted Breakspear as his stage name and I had really known no other .
21 We went to Edinburgh on our wedding tour and I thought it beautiful but I think that my state of mind at the time was such that I should have thought anywhere beautiful .
22 But you 've changed your pillow case and I have n't , I 've really got to remember to bring a pillow with me .
23 Now I listen to there , I do n't listen as often now unless there 's something big on , and you hear them , you know , check on , whatever it is , your vehicle check and I have seen them as little as five seconds coming back and saying who owns that car
24 and he said I have to admit I did n't act on your phone call and I felt like braining him I really did
25 At the moment we 're er just sorting out the price of things , we think it will be available at around about ninety nine pounds and that will include your travel there , your hotel accommodation and I 've got the leaflet of the hotel in front of me and it looks pretty spectacular actually .
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