Example sentences of "[pos pn] [noun sg] [subord] [pers pn] [verb] you " in BNC.

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1 Or perhaps I shoved the contents of your safe inside my robe when I saw you at the door .
2 See how I turn up the corners of my mouth as I tell you again , twenty-five dollars . ’
3 She attacked at once : ‘ I suppose she 's told you that this is no longer my home so you think you can come and go as you please .
4 buy you diamond ring my friend if it makes you feel alright I 'd get you everything my friend if it makes you feel alright I do n't care too much for money , money ca n't buy me love
5 buy you diamond ring my friend if it makes you feel alright I 'd get you everything my friend if it makes you feel alright I do n't care too much for money , money ca n't buy me love
6 ring my friend if it makes you feel alright it 's ace if you just sit down and listen to the old Beatles is n't it ? feel alright I do n't care too much for money , money ca n't be me love ca n't be me love
7 ‘ You would have spent the night in my arms , Caroline , ’ he caught her hands in one of his as she began to raise them , ‘ crying out my name as I touched you , begging me to take you over and over again , until finally the sun chased away the darkness . ’
8 Yes , there had been women in my life before I met you =M very few men in their thirties have lived like a monk .
9 You know movies always came first in my life until I met you .
10 I was n't sure if that girl at the reception desk understood my message when I asked you to phone me .
11 ‘ But , until we do , you can make yourself useful by binding up this hole in my arm before I give you the pleasure of bleeding to death . ’
12 ‘ Poor Adelaide must be turning in her grave if she knows you mean to put a domestic servant in her place .
13 ‘ If you think I 'm standing waiting for a charging animal the size of a tank to reach me … how on earth do you grab its nose before it tramples you into the turf ?
14 ‘ You are a part of it , ’ he interrupted caustically , ‘ whether you like it or not , and at the moment you are the only friend Steve Cannock has and if you feel for him as you so often have claimed to you 'll be at his side when he needs you . ’
15 There 's only a certain number of places a prostitute can go and earn money , so all a pimp needs to do is drive round in his car until he sees you .
16 PLEASE — come to Qualified Teachers ' Day on the 18th June and be prepared to discuss this VERY IMPORTANT ISSUE — you supported our plea when we asked you to help boost membership , come along and listen and you will be given an opportunity to express your opinions .
17 ‘ I think it would be a great presumption on your part if you thought you did , ’ he replied firmly , putting the young man down .
18 Meditate on the words of Paul in Ephesians 4:17–29 , asking the Holy Spirit to impress upon your mind where he wants you to make changes to co-operate with him in this work of transformation .
19 I did n't put spread on your bread cos you said you were n't takers .
20 this is just for your test when they ask you
21 ‘ Tell me , ’ he complained , ‘ what would be your reaction if I told you the moon just fell out of the sky ? ’
22 It will be equally difficult to persuade them of your need when they know you spent a lot of money last week on a new car .
23 ‘ You 've found your courage since I met you last . ’
24 Erm was this something that you talked about with your husband when you found you you were pregnant , erm did you discuss it with him at all ?
25 ‘ Declare your feud if it pleases you .
26 So you forgive me because I am your friend when I tell you it is perhaps — baby .
27 So they 're telling you what their needs are , how concerned they are about it and what they wan na do about it because they 're more inclined to take your advice when they see you second time round , because telling is n't selling .
28 ‘ What do I say to your father if I mislay you ? ’
29 Please hold the sachet in your hand as I tell you how a small handful of granules like these have the power to stop the world 's biggest child killer .
30 Though people expect illness to become more frequent in old age , you should not assume that nothing can be done , but should consult your doctor if you think you have a health problem .
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