Example sentences of "[pos pn] [noun sg] [coord] it [is] [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I 've run your warning past my mind and it 's failed to register .
2 That 's my understanding but it is based on shuffling t right .
3 Little is known of their courtship but it is said that , for a brief time , they were happy .
4 Also known as the COCKATRICE it has a cock 's comb on its head and it is born from an egg laid by a rooster and hatched by a snake .
5 Even after 25 years of world-wide exposure , the Marilyn continues to make its impact and it is included in the impressive exhibition of American screenprints from the collection of Reba and Dave Williams which fills the Hunterian Art Gallery of Glasgow University .
6 The village retains little of its past and it is hoped that what does remain will be preserved .
7 One , who had an electric prod inserted in her vagina , has disappeared since their release and it is feared that she has committed suicide .
8 Patrick landed across a rock , and lucky for him the ride was in to break his fall or it 's crippled he 'd be this minute .
9 No record exists of his education and it is assumed that he was privately tutored .
10 Indeed , as Paul Du Noyer noted in NME , it might not make a sausage of difference to your diet but it 's guaranteed to leave a feeling of guilt in your head as you tuck into that rump steak .
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