Example sentences of "[pos pn] [noun sg] [coord] [prep] a [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 My lunch hours were generally spent with sandwiches and coffee at my desk or with a plate of fish and chips or roast pork and two veg in the organisation canteen .
2 He leaned towards me , put the middle finger of each hand on either side of my nose and with a look of intense concentration rubbed each one gently up and down .
3 I 've been a sportsman all my life and after a couple of years away from the game on a daily basis , I 'm happy to be coming back .
4 She turned her head my way and with a frown asked , ‘ What 's wrong with everyone ? ’
5 She now drew her chin into her chest and in a voice almost as deep as a man 's she said , ‘ And you dare to tell me to shut up , me ! who 's given her life to you .
6 On his saint 's day she summons him into her inmost boudoir , dismisses her girls , permits him to braid her hair and for a moment to fondle her breasts .
7 The HDI was widely criticized for its complexity and for a system of weighting data which gave the United States the lowest HDI of any developed country ( owing to its high illiteracy rate ) .
8 She helped to produce a sketch of her assailant and as a result of its publication , another woman told police that he was the same man who had attacked her the day before .
9 At first I 'd thought that Kāli was joking , that she 'd sneaked up behind me , snatched the karaso and hidden it up her skirt or behind a tree .
10 A sensible way for her to prepare for such an eventuality is to keep a small case already packed and labelled with her name and address in her wardrobe or in a corner of her bedroom where it can be got at easily ( see Chapter 13 ) .
11 She looked at the telephone on her desk and for a minute was tempted to pick it up and ask for David Fairfax 's number .
12 The Egyptian vulture , finding a clutch of ostrich eggs , picks up sizeable stones in its beak and with a nod of its head , tosses them in the general direction of the nest .
13 Perkin , on her other side , murmured something to get her attention and for a while I watched Tremayne make the best of our table having been graced by the sponsor 's wife , a gushing froth of a lady in unbecoming lemon .
14 Again we can ask whether the special needs of girls are attributed to their biology or to a notion of femaleness which implies some form of cultural unity ?
15 She had a lump in her throat and an enormous yearning to say something beautiful to her father , something that could not be expressed by words , and so without quite knowing how it happened she suddenly turned her head and with a smile tossed out her arm in the air , easily , flowing , as if to see each other many more times .
16 The lady unrolled her petition and in a voice trembling with outrage , she read it aloud :
17 I wrote to Durham County Council on their behalf and as a result met Matt Frazer , principal community education officer and youth works .
18 ‘ They have maintained a low profile in their life and as a result the coverage of matters affecting them is virtually non existent . ’
19 At the University , students are encouraged to take part in a sport or recreational activity of their choice and at a level which brings pleasure and satisfaction , whatever their ability or commitment .
20 She lay on her bed and after a while heard Betty come in again , slapping at her cheeks and arms .
21 Now the firm brings in a designer to improve their image and as a result better fonts and more variation are required so the printer is either upgraded to or replaced by a PostScript device .
22 ‘ The hills of Sintra mean that even in the height of summer the town has a freshness , which is why the rich people used to build their country houses here to escape the heat of Lisbon , ’ Ashley said , resolutely switching her thoughts away from her host and to a guide book which she had been reading .
23 Slowly she drained her glass and for a moment held it in front of her , staring at and smoothing the condensation away with her thumb .
24 After lunch ( not included ) visit the Medieval town of Gouda , famous for its cheese but with a lot more to discover such as St. Jans Kerk which contains over half of Holland 's antique stained-glass windows , the Gothic City Hall dating back to 1430 and a collection of fascinating museums .
25 He took her arm and for a moment Sophie resented his high-handed manner .
26 This goes down its throat and into a pouch that opens from the top wall of its gut .
27 FA CUP semi-final football returned to Hillsborough yesterday with a smile on its face and without a hint of serious crowd trouble .
28 If a male , for example , is constantly harassing his mate , keeping her in her cave or in a corner of the tank , often with serious damage being inflicted , this shows that he is ready to breed but she is not .
29 It means little for this child to perform with the greatest precision the most difficult pieces , with hands that can hardly stretch a sixth ; but what is really incredible is to see him improvise for an hour on end and in doing so give rein to the inspiration of his genius and to a mass of enchanting ideas …
30 The chief inspector listened to his breathing and for a moment found it difficult to separate it from her own rasping pant .
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