Example sentences of "[pos pn] [noun sg] [coord] [verb] by [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Prostaglandins inhibit acid secretion and their synthesis and release by gastric mucosal cells is enhanced by exposure to ethanol .
2 Worship , you see , is the action of the entire congregation who together proclaim what God has done and what he continues to do ; we feed on his word — sacrament and Scripture — and are strengthened by his Spirit and sustained by mutual fellowship .
3 At first many American officials in the Truman administration were sympathetic to his cause and exasperated by British greed .
4 Would you please let me have the photos we supplied for your exhibition , so that they can be added to our stock and used by other people .
5 As a rough guide , the distance in nautical miles over which signals can be received can be estimated by taking the square root of your altitude and multiplying by one and a quarter .
6 Often when on a winter 's night we youngsters were seated round the hearth … would she set her wheel aside , take a pinch of snuff , hutch her chair towards the other hob , and excite our curiosity and wonder by strange and fearful tales of witches , spirits , and apparitions , whilst we listened in silence and awe , and scarcely breathing , contemplated in imagination , the visions of an unseen world , which her narratives conjured up before us .
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