Example sentences of "[pos pn] [noun sg] [coord] [vb base] [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ So , go into my hut and meditate on that ’ , said the guru .
2 I slip some things into my holdall and work through five different ways to say I 'm sorry , but ‘ How come you only work night time ? ’ she wants to know .
3 I thank my hon. Friend for the time and trouble that he took last week to visit my constituency and see at first hand the problems caused by and resulting from British Rail .
4 My reason or excuse for this is that interest in scepticism has revived .
5 I bite my lip and worry about this coming to an end .
6 When the pair finish one car they go back to the beginning of their segment and start on another .
7 An opportunity for someone with knowledge of regulatory affairs in the Pharmaceutical Industry to broaden their experience and work on international policy questions affecting the industry up to 1992 and beyond .
8 Clark demonstrates that older people tried , where possible , to set up contractually based arrangements ( some of them enforceable through the courts ) to secure their livelihood and care in old age , through a system whereby they surrendered some of their rights to their land to a specified individual , in return for agreed services — ‘ individually arranged pension benefits ’ ( ibid .
9 First of all there 's personal interest , secondly there 's class interest thirdly there 's rather amusingly some mean feeling in his own mind , so he has the idea that people might just be rather grumpy or something when they 're going to cast their , their vote and go to some rather destructive policy .
10 Some spiders hide in a handy crevice in the bark of a tree ; some hide beneath a leaf ; and other spiders build a funnel as part of their web and hide in that .
11 He did n't doubt there were many others also who had brothers , fathers or sons among the fifty thousand Irishmen slain in the Great War and who had to swallow their grief and mourn in private .
12 It shows a more mundane but still corrupting insensitivity to liberty , a failure to grasp its force and place in modern democratic ideals … .
13 Can maths teachers be entrusted with drawing inferences , trends etc. from significant data , or must they automatically stick to anodyne data which will offend no one but will automatically remove true significance from their work and lead to many students being bereft of motivation ?
14 And these two women , as they see me , suffering , silent , naked , this guy who 's given them everything and who 's the greatest fuck they ever had in their goddam lives — these women , these simple , nude women , they forget their rivalry and weep in each other 's arms .
15 The Chairman is grateful to those members and to Westminster Strategy for their help and support in 1992 .
16 Prostaglandins inhibit acid secretion and their synthesis and release by gastric mucosal cells is enhanced by exposure to ethanol .
17 Laura thumbed dials on her weapon and let off three rounds into the back of the demon 's head .
18 The company is famous for its generosity and support for charitable causes , as indeed are its employees who have record of practical help to charities that is second to none .
19 The third section of Demant 's 1936 Christian Polity ( Faber & Faber ) is given over to anthropological essays , such as ‘ Idols : Their Place and Influence in Religious History ’ where again we meet the names of Elliot Smith , Tylor , Ellis , Frazer , McDougall , Robertson Smith , and others .
20 She was especially furious that someone had succeeded in making her jump and yell like that because she prided herself on her toughness .
21 The British ca n't change their policy and negotiate with these terrorists , can they ?
22 In a recent speech , Colette Flesch , Director-General of DGX , said the EC should ‘ concentrate its co-operation and support on intelligent development of cultural projects integrated into national , regional , and local development policy ’ , rather than on financing a few big prestige projects , or simply subsidising the old Communist subsidies system which those countries can no longer afford to finance .
23 They stick out their tongue and snap at any insect which flies by .
24 Financial security will help the athletes to focus on their performance and lead to better results . ’
25 Even the club 's own supporters , fearful that full disclosure of the books to the Department of Industry could threaten Barnet 's very existence , now prefer to bury their frustration and go for broke , so to speak .
26 Estranged people confront and bury old grievances and learn to recognise their love and need for each other .
27 It is suggested that views diverge on the central question of the rights of parents to custody and control of their children in relation to the right of the state ( acting through courts and social work agencies ) to intervene in the parent-child relationship , to remove children from their parents , to allocate their care and control to other parties , and to determine their subsequent upbringing .
28 There must exist a genuine link between the state and the ship ; in particular , the state must effectively exercise its jurisdiction and control in administrative , technical and social matters over ships flying its flag .
29 ‘ in particular , the state must effectively exercise its jurisdiction and control in administrative , technical and social matters over ships flying its flag .
30 There must exist a genuine link between the state and the ship ; in particular , the state must effectively exercise its jurisdiction and control in administrative , technical and social matters over ships flying its flag .
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