Example sentences of "[pos pn] [noun sg] [noun prp] [vb mod] [not/n't] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 If for any reason I had to spend the night in town and my friend Wilma could n't have me , I could stay there very cheaply with the girls .
2 My barber Albert would n't have known where to stop cutting .
3 It 's not her fault Petya wo n't speak to me ; it 's just that he turned against me when I divorced his mother .
4 Although at the time of his discovery Priestley could not have foreseen the use of oxygen in aeronautics as Vital Air for the aeronauts to breathe when the atmosphere became too thin , such use was suggested as early as 1784 .
5 In his article Neumann can not avoid having to deal with the Menuetto from Beethoven 's Symphony no.1 , which goes at a lively dotted minim = 108 .
6 Few there be , are there few that be saved , well what does the bible say about this , first of all it teaches abundantly clearly that all may be saved , God is not partial , God has no favourites , he does n't love you more than he loves any body else , he does n't love me more than he loves you or you more than me , he does n't love you more than he loves ah any other racial group or any other ethnic group , he loves us all the same God so loved the world that he gave his only son Jesus Christ , here in his love , not that we love God says the apostle but that he loved us , the old testament profit reminds us that he has loved us with an ever lasting love , who , this was one of the hang ups that the Jewish nation had , they thought that they were the cats whiskers , he chose them , but he in fact did n't love them any more than he loved the , the hitites , the parasites , the gergasites and all the other ites , he loved them all the same , God is not partial in his love because he is love , if there was any body that God did not love he would actually cease to be God because love is not something that , that God does , you and I do it no matter how loving you are , or how loving you think you are , you are not love , you choose to love somebody and you love them , there are times when that love goes very thin sometimes , perhaps because of events that have happened , it can actually come to an end where that love dies , you withdraw your love God ca n't do that , God loves us as we 've said with an eternal love , a love that will go on throughout the endless ages of eternity
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