Example sentences of "[pos pn] [noun sg] [conj] it [verb] he " in BNC.

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1 He opened his eyes , rubbing his face with both hands , increasing the speed of the jets so that the water stung his skin when it struck him .
2 Around him he began to see the unfolding beauty of early summer in his homeland and it held him still with wonder and made him forget the passing of the days .
3 After a while Marcus came to his window and it seemed he stared straight into my eyes .
4 Iron Josh also had his instinct and it told him that , no matter how much he had tried to hide the fact that he was worried , Bertha had guessed .
5 Furthermore , the window of his college bedroom was cherished in his memory because it enabled him to see the Antechapel of Trinity College ,
6 Mr Browne was disowned by his party because it judged him a cad .
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