Example sentences of "[pos pn] [noun sg] [conj] we [adv] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 I said to Old Fishy do you have kids and he said yes they 're the apple of my eye and we just hugged each other right there in front of everyone and ever since I 've been wondering what it means .
2 I bit back a tart reply as my master tugged at my sleeve and we tactfully took our leave .
3 As I feel so well now I have been able to sort out the problems with my husband and we now feel that we have got back the relationship we got married to share .
4 The boy we 're looking for is not my nephew but we still need to find him .
5 No-one else in our aircraft appeared to be the least bit concerned , but my relief as we finally drew near the coast of England again and then began our descent to the safety of solid earth was so great that I made a little promise to myself that I would never again set foot in an aeroplane , so long as I could be permitted to survive this one trip .
6 ‘ The poltergeist has tried to smother my boyfriend and we once found the baby 's cot turned upside down with the baby on the floor .
7 Sally , after much thought , bought a small rosewood clock for her flat and we eventually found the car and headed for home .
8 His starting point was dissatisfaction with most sociological theories of crime ( especially anomie and subcultural theories ) for reasons which are now familiar : their assumption that we naturally conform to conventionally defined goals and the means of achieving them , and that we consequently require some ‘ push ’ ( or ‘ strain ’ , as Hirschi calls it ) to propel us into crime .
9 It is this idea of social solidarity that provided Leon Duguit with the basis of his theory of law and it is to his work that we now turn .
10 Most of our caravans are designed for more persons than our description but we only allow that number stated .
11 We were able to help him … we can see their house from our bedroom and we just happened to be looking out of the window at the time , do n't you know . ’
12 We , of the Rupert Bear generations , may not have retained our innocence but we surely have a duty to keep a sense of responsibility to the next generation .
13 Such is our conclusion if we passively let things take their course .
14 The division , which prided itself on its knowledge of the oil companies and the oil world , believed ( as it subsequently proved , with some justification ) that we were paying more for our naphtha than we strictly needed to do .
15 I suppose such things were happy on our land because we never put chemical fertilizers on it .
16 You lie on your front and we actually take , ask you to take either your dress or your blouse off and we put towels over you .
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