Example sentences of "[pos pn] [noun sg] [conj] [v-ing] at [art] " in BNC.

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1 I see its loss as lying at the root of many current social problems . ’
2 To illustrate the conceptual basis of her thinking when arriving at a public relations platform on which to build a campaign for a consumer client , no better example could be found than her approach to the problem of one international manufacturing giant .
3 But her mother 's letter introduced into her head again that debilitating pressure she had felt in hospital — the feeling which was the opposite of sitting in her watch-tower and gazing at the sky .
4 She 's in bed now , lying on her back and staring at the ceiling .
5 ‘ He 's in love with God , ’ said Lydia , rolling on to her back and staring at the sky .
6 Since she 'd been wearing her seatbelt and travelling at a very slow speed , she was n't hurt , but the shock was enough to make her tremble .
7 She was biting her lip and looking at the ceiling , as if willing herself awake .
8 The snow thickened as night fell , piling around their shelter and hissing at the fire .
9 He put the light on , and the four inmates at the far end set up their whickering and pawing at the prospect of food , as usual .
10 ‘ I signed a beautiful new actress , ’ he said , leaning on his elbow and gazing at the girl .
11 A guy next to me was nudging his friend and pointing at the trees .
12 That horn does n't look too good though , he thought , scratching his head and glaring at the disinterested horse , which had stepped back on it while it was lying with the rest of the dismantled bits on the floor of the shed .
13 He tries putting them behind his back and looking at the floor , smiling reflectively .
14 As he spoke , he looked at Ludovico , who was furiously plucking at the strings of his racket and gazing at the ground .
15 Kelly , for example , can hardly control his incredulity when looking at the mythological world of demons .
16 Mr Litherland , Labour MP for Manchester Central , said he had drawn attention to the security flaw after a building worker told him of his concern while working at the court building .
17 ‘ What are those for ? ’ said the boy , turning over on to his stomach and poking at the pile of sticks .
18 Monks listened with close attention , biting his lip and staring at the floor .
19 Now he lay exhausted , angry and restless in a vast bed , jogging his arm and pulling at the drip which a nurse kept watching and adjusting .
20 He knew a little about plants and animals , and he enjoyed walking through the woods around his house and looking at the birds and flowers there .
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