Example sentences of "[pos pn] [noun sg] [conj] [vb pp] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 I sat up , removed the camouflage square from around my head and crawled to the entrance to the trench .
2 ‘ I went to Co Tyrone , my mother 's county , with the cup all day and then came home and sat at the fire with my wife and talked about the hotel and what had gone on that day . ’
3 I turned away from looking down at my father and faced into the corner , sighing mightily and whispering ‘ Oh my God , ’ to myself , away from the mouthpiece .
4 If you 'd only taken my advice and gone over the other bridge — ’
5 Having performed my duty and wandered around the coronation hall of the fourteenth century Rathaus with its dreadful nineteenth-century frescoes on the life of Charlemagne , and gazed at Charlemagne 's marble throne in the Cathedral , it was time to sit in the sun for a while and eat an ice-cream .
6 I cruised my heat and prepared for the semi-final .
7 The resulting Palache Report , named after its chairman and published by the CFC in 1944 , articulated Balcon 's concern that the British cinema was becoming a ‘ channel for disseminating the ideas and aspirations , no matter how worthy in themselves , of one or two dominating personalities in this country , ’ and backed his view that the British industry should concentrate on a regular output of low-budget , authentically British films .
8 So the first defendant was entitled to ‘ all costs charges and expenses … on a full indemnity basis ’ and the receivers were entitled to retain out of the mortgaged property their remuneration as fixed by the first defendant .
9 The schemes are an expression of similar beliefs about school mathematics and its assessment as embodied in the Report , but represent diverse interpretations of the Report 's recommendations .
10 First featured on the 12″ version of ‘ William , It Was Really Nothing ’ , the song did n't reveal all its glory until heard within the context of ‘ Hatful ’ .
11 Zeinab had no great love of Copts but she was n't having anyone attacked in the entrance of her building and pitched into the youths with such fury that they ran off .
12 Subsequently , the company failed , the investor lost its money and claimed against the auditors .
13 Human beings were wrenched from their homeland and crammed into the airless stinking holds of vessels to provide , if they survived , the slave labour of the plantation economies of the West Indies and the southern states of North America .
14 Even the precious spools of film in the camera slung around her neck and tucked into the pockets of her jacket were forgotten .
15 But she had a better way of relaxing the tightness that started at the back of her neck and spread across the crown of her head than attempting sleep .
16 Carefully , she slid her left leg off the table , and over to the tray , the leg almost on its side and bent at the knee to reach the tray , which was almost level with her hip .
17 She was helped from her seat and taken to the rear of the cinema .
18 The smoke curled from her mouth and mingled with the harsh , dry heat from the electric fire .
19 Although the partners may remain dependent on their marriage and committed to the arrangement either for provision of a little-used but resplendent home , or for earnings to support the acquired life style , little may be shared between them socially and emotionally .
20 Ever hopeful , Ameritech Corp , Chicago yesterday proceeded with its plan and filed with the US Federal Communications Commission for permission to offer long-distance telephone service and cable television in return for surrendering its local telephone exchange monopoly .
21 After the shelves have been weeded , all other books which are on loan from that section at the time of weeding should be screened on their return and subjected to the same process .
22 She put down her basket and advanced towards the bed .
23 I recently read Stacey 's study of the council , published with its blessing and undertaken by the same means of ‘ participant observation , ’ albeit not apparently requiring the same degree of deception .
24 From then on , every day after school , Matilda shut herself in her room and practised with the cigar .
25 This is the market in which the Bank of England conducts its monetary control operations and therefore , whatever its importance as judged by the magnitude of funds flowing through it , it is of immense significance to the behaviour of the rest of the financial system and to the rest of the economy .
26 She moved languidly , in the way she had of emphasising the full line of her bosom as opposed to the slim waist below .
27 Each would be asked to notify the IMF within one month whether it agreed to its share as determined by the IMF ; each successor could formally accede to the IMF once it had met the formal conditions specified .
28 Flowering plants also respond to their environment as shown by the charming example of Linneaus , flower clock ( Table 1.1 ) .
29 They had one likeness of Oreste , sent at Christmas when Wilson had requested it should be taken , and this was removed from its frame and put at the end of the chart .
30 She was carried down the drive by her grandmother and rushed into the lounge to play with her toys , with a bonfire night cake waiting for her .
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