Example sentences of "[pos pn] [noun sg] [conj] [vb pp] [prep] a " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Only a rose — ’ I began as I held out my offering to my husband and I was just about to start on the second line when a Yorkshire pudding with onion gravy flew past my head and stuck with a plop on the ceiling .
2 I was taken away from the school by my father and tutored in a caravan by an eccentric ex-priest .
3 To assess whether the failure of Myc or Max alone to transactivate was due to an inability to bind DNA , we tested their function when fused to a heterologous transactivation domain ( VP16 ; Fig. 2 b ) .
4 On her way back to the surgery , Sophie glanced at her watch and realised with a start that she had left Joanna on her own for nearly two hours .
5 But when she had washed her hair and dressed in a new pair of designer jeans and a silk shirt that had been a Christmas present and which she 'd never worn before — it was n't to Eva 's house that she went but back down into the town , towards the theatre and the Franz Joseph .
6 Mortified at what she had done she leapt out of her seat and collided with a waiter , sending the plate of egg fried rice he was carrying flying through the air .
7 The sweet scent of her native land came back to her , but she also began to remember the terror she had felt when she was wrenched from her home and transported to a place beside the sea .
8 Once through the hall door , massive under its fanlight and fitted with a brass lock as big as a bible , and down the steps on to the gravel , Nicandra changed back into whatever sort of purposeful animal all the long-sustained acts of kindness and thoughts for the happiness of others had left in her .
9 Disciplinary action loses its point when imposed in a clumsy , high-handed manner .
10 He told Lisa that before the operation , and for a few months after , she would have to wear a steel frame pinned to her head and connected to a rigid plaster jacket to hold her damaged neck in place .
11 Shown as a woman with a vulture skin on her head or identified with a lioness , particularly as Sekhmet .
12 On the front , you have a picture with a jigsaw-shaped piece missing which you have cut out and either put it on their back or hidden in a little flap on the costume , which can be seen if people lift the flap up .
13 Six months later she went to prison as a suffragette , having lied about her age and enrolled as a militant .
14 Miranda slipped from her bed and wandered to a window ; leaning out , she smelled rosemary and eucalyptus as she watched the summer storm approach from the distant cobalt-blue mountains .
15 In the Chandni Chowk shopkeepers boarded up their premises , buried their treasure and prepared for a long period of unrest .
16 She went back to the car , put away the camera , fetched her book and settled in a chair by the pool to wait .
17 In both cases students and colleagues of those detained have campaigned vigorously for their release and called for a removal of the intellectual straightjacket , but without success .
18 She was not clad in the garb of her order but attired in a pale blue dress trimmed with the copper hue of squirrel fur .
19 Like most snakes it can disarticulate its lower jaw from its upper when confronted with a particularly large meal , but it does more than that .
20 Feminists in the 60s and 70s deconstructed out culture to find their way and called for a non-hierarchical theory .
21 Left to die — five tiny puppies separated from their mother and dumped by a busy roadside .
22 This is made on LR form 63 , signed by the cautioner or his or her solicitor and accompanied by a statutory declaration ( printed on the same form ) .
23 Large-patterned fabrics will lose their appeal when combined in a complex swag , and should certainly be avoided for bias-cut swags .
24 She was small , obviously frail , with silvery-white hair drawn back from her face and secured in a knot at the nape of her neck .
25 Her hair is tied back from her face and held by a long white lacy ribbon , but tumbles down loose behind .
26 She 'd powdered her face and put on a dab of lipstick .
27 A thin splinter of moonlight caught the blond stubble of his beard and sliced like a glistening needle across the snout of a .45 revolver .
28 ‘ Oh , all right , spoilsports , ’ he said , feeling disgruntled , and he sat down , missed his cushion and landed with a painful thump on the floor .
29 Her husband was knocked of his bike and killed by a drunken driver , who was later sentenced to twenty one months in prison .
30 He lost control of his car and collided with a van being driven by self-employed glazier Stephen Whitehead .
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