Example sentences of "[pos pn] [noun sg] [conj] [noun pl] [conj] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 I went out , letting the smoke and fumes free into the damp air ; coils of blue and grey curled off my hair and clothes as I stood there , breathing deeply .
2 There was cramp in my neck and arms and I was so tired that it seemed almost as if a malevolent magnetism was trying to drag me to the ground .
3 I feel pain in my back and legs after I 've been doing aerobics .
4 ‘ I ca n't remember … something was put over my head and eyes and I could not see … ’
5 A recollection of John Davies , the minister for Europe in Heath 's cabinet , indicated the mood , ‘ We were at home in Cheshire , and I said to my wife and children that we should have a nice time , because I deeply believed then that it was the last Christmas of its kind that we would enjoy . ’ ,
6 I love my wife and children but I do n't let them get in the way of company work . ’
7 Now I am filled with remorse , loathing and longing , because I love my wife and children but I remain attracted to this girl and ca n't get her out of my mind .
8 Now I am filled with remorse , loathing and longing , because I love my wife and children but I remain attracted to this girl and ca n't get her out of my mind .
9 She has never asked me to leave my wife and children because she knows the pain of divorce .
10 Those five hours passed slowly and painfully , I was definitely going to miss my family and friends but I just wanted to go and have my holiday .
11 It is very popular among my family and friends and we would be very disappointed if it finishes .
12 There was a warm wind on my face and hands as I made my way towards Mr Marr 's place .
13 ‘ On Tuesdays we get all the old boys coming in on their horse and carts and they have a sing-song at lunchtime .
14 The reform , which required a two-thirds majority in parliament , would allow a new government a period of 18 months to establish its programme and policies before it could be subject to a confidence motion .
15 She whistled , hitching up her skirt and petticoats so she could run more easily down the tradesman 's path to the gate .
16 Three men held the yak 's head down with ropes , their weight pitted against the great muscles of its neck and shoulders as it threw its head about , crazy with the pain of the knife in its withers .
17 she lives in Barnside , she was coming up behind me and her husband and kids and I
18 Meanwhile the individual authorities are gagged from revealing anything meaningful about their business or aims and it is doubtful that the prospectuses , when they are published , will be any more illuminating .
19 Automatically she lifted her head and arms as he finally removed the flimsy barrier and she lay open to his gaze .
20 When Alison stepped back into the bedroom the slight drop in temperature immediately sought out the damp patches on her back and shoulders that she 'd missed with the towel .
21 In the first place , there is a gap between say and do : however cooperative a mother , it may be genuinely difficult for her to provide undistorted information about her behaviour and feelings as they impinge on her child .
22 They may put the blame entirely on the teenagers for failing to respond to their advice or orders as they once did , but the fault may be theirs for failing to treat them as the young adults they have now become .
23 Her son has taken her up in his hang-glider ( can you carry two on a hang-glider ? ) , and she recalls her life and loves as she sails over the old family farm and the nearby manganese factory where it all happened .
24 I have seen their dreadful face and the stories are true — strong men have lost their reason and wits once they have looked upon it .
25 First , the dual polity model suggests that the US states and local governments , plus Congress , are fundamentally pluralist in their organization and operations because they only handle secondary issues of little importance for national elites ( Mills , 1956 , p. 244 ) .
26 On the whole , they had either been through the English education system and had therefore a good command of English and a limited domestic register in their other languages , or they had been educated abroad and learnt their English as adults when they arrived in this country .
27 Is it that she , she 's , she 's , she 's wondering what will happen to her family or children if they go abroad , or is she thinking that each country in the Community , perhaps having some special erm excellence of its own , ought to be shedding this example among the others so that we all raise ourselves to a common , higher level ?
28 After all , she may well have told her family and friends that I 'm a nice boy — although a Jew .
29 I do n't think she would have agreed to take off her hat and gloves if she did n't want to .
30 Anne Marie worried her mother and police after she disappeared on Easter Monday after an argument .
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