Example sentences of "[pos pn] [noun sg] [conj] [verb] them [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Should I hide the flowers behind my back and produce them like a conjuror ?
2 He said I should remove my raincoat and my jacket and hang them on the hangers provided .
3 Two days before the 1986 meeting I took my starting blocks home to my flat and left them on the kitchen floor .
4 The following morning I put the loose pieces in my bag and took them to school .
5 Thru enacts this strategy of ‘ wild jay-walking ’ between theories by side-stepping their systematicity and making them into stories .
6 It is designed to help participants identify challenges in their ministry and to equip them with the necessary insights and skills to meet these challenges .
7 An honest appraisal will help their progress and guide them to further learning opportunities .
8 Then he took the stones from their pouch and laid them at the bottom of the Bowl .
9 The Hezbollah election programme , as announced by the party 's secretary-general Sheikh Hassan Nasrallah on Aug. 6 , asserted the importance to Lebanon of " resistance against the Zionist occupation " , and pledged to support " the resistance fighters , facilitating their jihad and providing them with official and popular political protection " .
10 The woman who wept over the feet of Jesus in Luke chapter 7 and then proceeded to wipe his feet with her hair and anoint them with ointment , had her sins forgiven .
11 ( Inimical means that certain remedies have been found to be similar in their action that prescribing them in succession leads to aggravation e.g. Mercury and Silica should n't follow each other without interposing some other remedy ) 2 ) The beauty of the LM system is encompassed in its ability to fulfill §.2 of The Organon :
12 She took the two gifts from her handbag and set them on the table .
13 Her maternal instincts would be so strong that she would be unable to resist their calls for help and would soon approach them , pick them up individually in her mouth and place them in her bed .
14 Eventually he took over their management and put them into red patent leather suits , effectively driving the last nail into The Dolls ’ coffin .
15 Low resourcing and poor material support encourage teachers to adopt a ‘ survival ’ or ‘ make-do ’ orientation to their work and incline them towards more control-centred , transmission-style patterns of teaching which revolve around the imposition of their own personal authority within the public setting of the classroom .
16 Then home , at speed , to pull several garments from her wardrobe and consider them with mounting irritation .
17 The glass itself was converted into smudged mirrors which enlarged their ambience and distanced them from the storm .
18 In the next paragraph as to special aptitude Mr went on quote , there is an outstanding ability to make others feel that she is especially interested in their welfare and to put them at their ease .
19 Hemmings nodded and Elaine pulled herself from her chair and saw them to the door .
20 Then Mum thanked them and said she would pay them later for their trouble and invited them to the funeral .
21 She pulled her glasses from her pocket and placed them on the end of her nose .
22 By denying women their individuality and treating them as a class , the feminist movement confines them to a political ghetto , with the movement 's leaders as overseers .
23 In Nigeria , on the other hand , the National Open Apprenticeship Scheme is attempting to support forms of apprenticeship which have been traditional in the Nigerian informal sector , by seeking to upgrade their quality and supplement them with classroom training .
24 The company that requires us to pay out the smallest subsidy will be given the franchise and allow to use or probably allow to decay a facility that 's been established over the years while it takes its profit and distributes them to its shareholders .
25 She was brainy — that is , she had her head stuffed with facts , but she had neither the intelligence nor judgement to interpret their significance and relate them to the world .
26 He held up a pair of boots , assessed their size and tossed them to Zukov .
27 The bird picks up one or several ants in its bill and presses them against its feathers .
28 We should take them at their word and hold them to it , rather than resign ourselves to the judgment that they have been lying .
29 She kept walking round her box , sighing , and picking bits out of her haynet and dropping them on the floor .
30 She scooped up the bits of spilt polystyrene in her hand and dropped them into the waste-paper basket .
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