Example sentences of "[pos pn] [noun sg] [conj] [verb] it [prep] " in BNC.

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1 I pulled off my shirt and threw it beyond the woodpile .
2 The receptionist took my money and locked it in a drawer of the desk , then stood up .
3 She draped it at my neck and sprayed it with her perfume : it still smells faintly of Chanel .
4 I might as well just save my pound and give it to whoever fucking wins that thing cos I 've never won it .
5 She explains : ‘ I take a very deep breath before I get on the plane and then as soon as I am on board I get out all my make-up and put it on the table in front of me and spend hours putting it on .
6 Now I 'll get off my bottom and get it for you . ’
7 Guiding our distinguished visitor to the hotel lift I quickly scribbled the word MELACHUSETUCK on a blank page from my note-book and handed it to Mr Murray .
8 In the Daily Graphic in 1925 Mr Overbeck claimed that ‘ since completing my apparatus and using it on myself , I have practically renewed my youth .
9 Maybe I 'll have my cake and eat it after all , he mused .
10 ‘ You mean , if you cut that picture up into four — which would be a distinctly pro-life act if you want my opinion and gave it to four different restorers , they 'd each stop at a different point ? ’
11 ‘ It did not catch my foot , for I was already wheeling away , but it crashed down on my wing and caught it in its grip .
12 Taking the score out of my brief-case and putting it on the podium : that is not my way .
13 If they cut out my picture and put it on their wall , maybe they do it because it makes them feel good when they walk into that room .
14 I lay on my back and watched it for a second , then got up and ran after her as fast as I could , again just because I knew I could n't catch her .
15 I simply put the fourteen down in my head and multiply it by nineteen , ’ Matilda said .
16 This discovery made it all the more important to me to maintain my behaviour and to maintain it in secret .
17 I would rather lose my self than share it with Syl .
18 ‘ Very poor , ’ said the barman , taking my titfer and perching it on his head .
19 And I remember taking it out of my pocket and showing it to Basil and saying , now , this is the kind of thing I 'm interested in , as well as horses , because it gives me a feeling of English life .
20 Quickly , I took a pistol from my pocket and aimed it at him — but the powder was wet and the pistol did n't fire !
21 I slipped the fifth from my pocket and stood it in front of him .
22 This shows that only by allowing the authority 's judgment to pre-empt mine altogether will I succeed in improving my performance and bringing it to the level of the authority .
23 I took out my knife and drove it through the sleeping man 's heart !
24 Here 's a crusty roll — must n't show my ignorance and cut it with a knife , have to tear it to pieces as if it was my worst enemy .
25 Gasping , I pulled out my lighter and held it above me to look round the room .
26 They had to tap the source of my strength and turn it against me , until it formed a carapace , a cage that held me until they were ready to pronounce punishment . ’
27 Crilly kisses my hand and holds it against his mouth .
28 He snatched the cloak out of my hand and threw it on the bed .
29 He took my hand and held it in a very un-Tellenorean way .
30 When I had finished I took off my coat and hung it on a nail .
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