Example sentences of "[pos pn] [noun sg] [conj] [noun] [pron] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 I decide to keep silent for awhile , while I scrutinise her aura and retune myself into her wavelength .
2 One of them is that for all Enzo Ferrari 's mythomania — and God knows he loves the pomp and circumstance of his legend and exploits it in his dealings with the outside world — the Ingegnere knows his stuff and can be perfectly straight when he wants to .
3 When he was n't walking the streets , he 'd lie on his bed and torment himself with thoughts of her being somewhere close .
4 Any time you want to withdraw money from your Deposit Account simply complete a withdrawal form at your branch and hand it to one of the cashiers .
5 Study the questions below , circle the correct answer , fill in your coupon and post it to : Amway Environment Competition , P.O. Box 111 , Belfast BT1 1EP , to arrive by May 26 , 1993 .
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