Example sentences of "[pos pn] [noun sg] [adv] [subord] it [vb -s] " in BNC.

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1 And I bring my work home cos it 's finished .
2 Oh , I 've got it on my walkman now so it does n't make any difference erm occupation .
3 But there will always be a hard core , roaring down a bottomless lane in an A70 pick-up with no piston rings and ninety degrees of play in the steering , white cricket cap pulled down over watering eyes , sheepdog barking its head off as it rushes to and fro in the cargo department .
4 Let it touch the radiator — it wo n't leave its hand there when it discovers it is hot .
5 All of the family members should be encouraged to put forward their viewpoint even if it differs from that expressed by others .
6 Forget the hand on your hair even though it hurts , and ram the heel of your palm into his mouth as he raises his own fist .
7 Then tie your hair back so it does n't get wet or frizzy .
8 And likes your light on when it goes to bed .
9 Put your drink up before it spills somewhere
10 Have to take the door off the hinges to get your head out if it gets any bigger .
11 It 's not easy to take up your life again when it 's been so brutally interrupted .
12 Now you want to bring your cursor down till it points to March .
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