Example sentences of "[pos pn] [noun sg] [pron] [be] [det] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 In my opinion it is this flexibility which has given English primary education its unique quality .
2 In my class there were more boys than girls .
3 In the rough and tumble of my street there was less luxuriance .
4 Under her guidance there are many ways in which you can assist in looking after someone who is very ill .
5 The bonds ' conditions also allowed for their assignability which was another aspect of their attractiveness to their original holders .
6 In the diary covering the last four years of his life there is little mention of books , but he had brought out an edition of Aristophanes ' ‘ Plutus ’ and ‘ Clouds ’ in 1767 .
7 Out of his hearing there was much discussion of the rights and wrongs of the affair ; the general conclusion , held in typically absolute adolescent terms was that Murray and Richard were innocent victims , while Murray 's father and brother were villains .
8 And just for your information there was another penalty to end on .
9 In our elation there was some suspicion that our experience had been secret , adventurous , and unique .
10 Er I think I share your view there 's some difficulty as to how we would actually accommodate in er in the policy .
11 In our judgment it is this feature of the later history that has led to understandable confusion .
12 We 've got erm yes we 've got quite a lot of land stock interest we might have accrued er and have n't , erm thirty million pounds in fact , but erm it has n't been accrued because in our view it 's some years off for being paid , but we think er or so I 'm informed by the Chairman of B-Sky-B er that things are going quite well
13 In our family we 're all Episcopalians . ’
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