Example sentences of "[pos pn] [noun sg] [prep] [Wh det] it be " in BNC.

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1 I 've been a soldier myself , I was a soldier a long long time ago and er er training was different in my day to what it is today .
2 I could n't put my finger on what it was I disliked about him , yet now it seems plain as the nose on your face .
3 Reading a letter in WOMAN about the definition of happiness , I decided to write and give my idea of what it is .
4 When I was fifteen or sixteen I found a confirmation of my interest in what it is to take on your own past in some of Sartre 's work .
5 At that point I was just satisfying my curiosity about what it was like to make records . ’
6 But it is not easy to do this without becoming crude , and , since the art appeals principally for its sensitiveness to what it is mocking , crudity has the effect of alienating those readers the pastiche should most attract .
7 Suddenly I recognized her attitude for what it was .
8 But all were agreed that her insight into what it 's like to work in space was fascinating .
9 Endill held his breath as he watched it laugh and nod its head at what it was reading .
10 In the absence of the big idea , one good phrase would be a help , something to focus the uncertain and suggestible mood of the country and put its finger on what it is that is missing and wanted after 10 years of Mrs Thatcher .
11 He accepted her kiss for what it was , and was curiously soothed by it .
12 She let him scan her face for whatever it was he sought there and said , ‘ Yes , but beautiful evenings at home , you know .
13 Anyone who thinks that there must be , and that there must be a process of encoding a thought into a form of words , says so in spite of , and not because of , his experience of what it is to say things .
14 Porfiry is also asking Raskolnikov to recognize his hunger for what it is .
15 If you actually want to set up the society yourself , find ten little friends , come along , ten people giving the number you need to form a society one pound each for membership , I shall give you all the er relevant data and you can start up your side in whatever it be as long as it does n't contravene union policy on sexism , racism etcetera .
16 Somewhere deep down , your idea of what it is to be a person , to truly engage in the world , has become critically interfused with childish fantasy .
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