Example sentences of "[pos pn] [noun sg] [prep] [conj] [verb] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Rachel asks , touching my cheek as if to capture the thought .
2 This doubt of not quite knowing so worried me that I sometimes approached my visualization as if addressing a public meeting .
3 It bowed its ruined head to its chest as if to inspect the squealing assailant now hanging from its buckled shoulder with frantic claws .
4 However , shortly before Anne Burford resigned as chief of the EPA , she was due to announce her decision on whether to lift the ban in light of new evidence .
5 Looking to go public in the next year , it is now out for a $1m second round to be used primarily for sales and marketing , efforts it 's yet to put its back into and needs a vice president of marketing and marketing and two sales people .
6 When at last the waves sluice over them , each shakes her body convulsively so that the brown eggs swill away in the water and , with a touching gesture of apparent exultation , lifts her claws above her head as if waving a salute .
7 A few seconds elapsed , then Angie shook her head as if to emphasize the denial .
8 Standing behind him , Annie had shaken her head as if disbelieving the race Kelly had ridden after the excesses of the previous night .
9 But he said the Department of Transport had exercised its discretion on whether to buy the property .
10 But he said the Department of Transport had exercised its discretion on whether to buy the property .
11 Smacks her forehead as if remembering the obvious .
12 She leant forward in her chair as if to make the facts clearer , cool and in control , as if reading from autoscript in the studio .
13 … they brought their homework in and made a list of … aspects like their use of materials , time , care , etc … so they knew what I was looking for , and then I spoke to each child individually and asked ‘ What would you give this piece out of ten ’ and so we obviously had to define our assessment objectives .
14 Mary put her coat on and took the skipping-rope .
15 Half carrying , half trailing the inert figure , they reached the factory door , then edged their way in and laid the unconscious form on the floor .
16 In her own room she stood , her hands clenched and pressed tightly against her breast-bone as if to ease the terrible ache and fear whirling there .
17 Holding her at arm 's length he stared into her face as if to memorise every detail .
18 ‘ You startled me , Mr Laidlaw , ’ he said breathlessly in English and clamped his hand over his heart as if to emphasize the point .
19 Harrison drew back his jaw as if riding the blow .
20 In his view , the court could intervene only if the minister ( a ) failed or refused to apply his mind to or to consider the question whether to refer a complaint to the committee or ( b ) misinterpreted the law or proceeded on an erroneous view of the law or ( c ) based his decision on some wholly extraneous consideration or ( d ) failed to have regard to matters which he should have taken into account .
21 On the top of this wall stood Harry Dunstaple , shouting and waving his sabre as if conducting an orchestra , shouting for the men to hasten , for the Cutcherry must be blown up before the charging enemy could reach it and disturb the train .
22 As we drew near he took a step forward shining his lantern with its green light above his head as if to give the driver the ‘ All Clear ’ .
23 The Doctor jerked his head as if to avoid a blow .
24 He reached up to his skull as if to seize the beads which had once adorned his scalp , though those had long since been shorn off along with his excess of black greasy hair ; as if to tug those and release an inner pressure .
25 Wolsey stroked his chin as if feeling the gentle stubble now growing there .
26 Gaunt raised his hand as if welcoming the plaudits of the crowd .
27 Matthew puts his marker in and closes the book .
28 The Tibetan intuitively spun on his heel , raising his arm as if to throw a stone and bellowing great roars of abuse .
29 The CO took his time as if savouring a titbit of information certain to delight its recipient , ‘ As you know , camp breaks up in a day or two . ’
30 He crouched down and clung to the rail with his right hand and reached out with his left as if to punch a hole through the wall .
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