Example sentences of "[pos pn] [noun sg] [verb] be taken [prep] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Every step in my plan has been taken with the Divine help ’
2 They informed me that my Mom had been taken into hospital and I was to be taken into care until she recovered .
3 Moreover , using near-infrared imaging spectroscopy , the central star cluster was found to contain about a dozen HeI emission-line stars within 12 ( 0.5pc ) of Sgr A. These stars have been suggested to be either blue supergiants or Wolf-Rayet-like stars with heavy mass loss ( 10 -5 –10 -4 M and ; yr -1 ) , and outflow velocities 1,000kms -1 ; their presence has been taken as evidence for recent star formation .
4 But , minutes later , when the trio had left , the 89-year-old discovered that her purse had been taken from a bedroom of her terraced home in Albany Road , Prescot .
5 But minutes later , when the trio had left , the 89 year old lady discovered that her purse had been taken from a bedroom of her terraced home in Albany Road , Prescot .
6 But minutes after the trio left , the 89-year-old woman discovered that her purse had been taken from a bedroom .
7 Her child has been taken from her and killed !
8 Skilful lobbying has meant that its place has been taken by wrestling on the curious promise that there will be both a men 's and women 's competition in 1994 even though women have never established a real presence in freestyle wrestling as they have in judo .
9 Now it is probably extinct as a breeding bird in Shetland , and its place has been taken by the reed bunting .
10 Its place has been taken by the ‘ tenor-bass ’ B flat/F instrument .
11 He did not take long in drinking his tea but by the time he had finished it , he saw that she was no longer at the counter , her place having been taken by another girl .
12 Her husband had been taken into hospital and she was waiting for her son to come and pick her up at half past twelve , this was at half past ten in morning !
13 Their place has been taken by a row of ‘ Argenta ’ leeks raised in the seed bed and dibbled into 6in holes spaced about a foot apart .
14 Even after her father had been taken to court for the abuses his family suffered , he quickly began to turn his attention to the girls , including Penny — by then married and seven months pregnant .
15 ‘ Could you tell her that Mr Warden 's neighbour phoned to say that her uncle 's been taken to hospital ? ’
16 A sudden and debilitating attack of the sweating sickness had rendered her unfit for travel , with the result that Anne had accompanied the royal family into sanctuary and her mother had been taken by litter to Norfolk House in London 's Strand .
17 For his heart had been taken by the sight of Neva , as hers with him , and he had followed her .
18 Menem , who later claimed that his action had been taken in the long-term interests of national unity and reconciliation , was immediately accused of double standards in releasing the former officers when he was simultaneously demanding the severest penalties for those involved in the latest rebellion .
19 His attention had been taken by another notice outside the Town Hall .
20 He told how , after his condition deteriorated badly , his son had been taken into the intensive care unit where he had been put on a life support machine .
21 Your readers may or not be aware of the consternation currently being experienced in south-west Scotland following the installation of ‘ improved ’ technology at the Carlisle office of the Royal Mail whither our post has been taken for sorting for almost a decade .
22 ‘ You were n't long behind the Iron Curtain , old Pat , but you talk as if your brain has been taken to the cleaners .
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