Example sentences of "[pos pn] [noun sg] [verb] [prep] such [art] " in BNC.

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1 As far as I know , no one else in the Dale caught it — except my Uncle Tommy , my father 's brother who had come to run the farm for us when my father died at such a tragically early age .
2 Grainne felt her heart thudding with such a fierceness that she could almost imagine he would hear it .
3 The following morning her child was delivered stillborn and her condition deteriorated to such an extent that , but for her expressed wishes , a blood transfusion would have been given .
4 In the end , her uncertainty grew to such a pitch that she expressed it .
5 Sean Walsh would never know how often she and Benny bemoaned their fate living in such a small town which had the worst characteristic any town could have : it was actually within striking distance of Dublin .
6 With such a concentration of union representation it is not unreasonable to conclude that ‘ Labour unions are so structured and their membership distributed in such a way as to defend the privileges of the elite ’ ( McGown 1980 p.111 ) .
7 Pregnancy is acceptable , but should a woman lose her baby she will lose her right to apply for such a post .
8 ‘ Sir , Dinah has done nothing to deserve having her career ended in such a way .
9 And that part of her life seemed like such a long time ago .
10 If the worst effects of LMS are to be avoided and its potential benefits realised for teachers and their pupils then teachers must ensure that the decision-making process in their school operates in such a way as to enable their full participation .
11 Do I because they write their press releases in such a way that it grabs you and says , ‘ Hey !
12 Thirdly , it is also possible that the advances in birth control operating within the climate of an ‘ acquisitive society ’ might well have permitted couples to plan their family lives in such a way as to allow them to enjoy the consumer benefits of society .
13 Although concerned to embed his ideas in practices Bourdieu is not himself especially concerned with defining the role of the artefact , but it is clear how his work contributes to such a task .
14 Einstein spent the later years of his life looking for such a theory .
15 Raising herself on one arm , she stared down at his face , absorbing every detail of it , admiring the hard bones , the strong yet soft lines of his mouth , the twin fans of eyelashes resting against his cheekbones as , eyes closed , he waited , as all men must , for his strength to return after such an explosion of passionate need .
16 When Harry smeared away the blood from his face and opened his eyes again it was to see Isambard standing with one foot flattening the whip to the floor , and the bronze lantern of his face blazing with such an intensity of dangerous , silent fury that even Harry , who was no longer threatened , shrank with sympathetic dread .
17 If the economic and social structure of our community develops in such a way that in retrospect it seems a conventionalist strategy would have been more suitable , then pragmatism will already have brought the reigning pattern of adjudication very close to conventionalism .
18 What in the world is a girl of your quality doing at such an inn ?
19 [ I ] t can hardly be said that our constitution knows of such a thing as any specific right of public meeting … .
20 The following summarises the major considerations in respect of our ability to act in such a role :
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