Example sentences of "[pos pn] [noun sg] [noun] back [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 When they return each group enthusiastically reports their research findings back to the class .
2 Crocodiles can lose water at a rate of up to half of that of amphibians ( which have a much more permeable skin , and would greatly suffer from desiccation on land were it not for the safety valve of a reduced urine flow , which passes much of its water content back into the body ) .
3 When the food-finder arrives at its nest it uses further pheromones to recruit other ants to come and collect the food ; Myrmica rubra , for instance , having laid its trail from its poison gland , attracts its nest mates back to the food with a pheromone from its Dufour 's gland .
4 She was already getting fed up with the hospital , and could n't wait to take her twin boys back to the large nursery waiting for them upstairs in the medieval castle that was now the family home .
5 Tony Donaldson had rearranged his visits and his work schedule back at the Social Services department so that he would have most of the day free to serve as Mrs Balanchine 's interpreter .
6 The physician carefully put his wine cup back on the table .
7 Trent had already warned his charter party back to the catamaran , keeping himself between them and the big fish .
8 Put your tape machine back in the thing .
9 Do you want your law book back by the way ?
10 Impact Unable to transfer your body weight back to the left side , you hit the shot on the upswing , resulting in a low thinned shot .
11 ‘ It will require a sustained effort over 20 years to get our manufacturing base back to the levels we want to see . ’
12 Education — the election debate that never happened Labour and the Liberal Democrats would take our school system back to the bad old days , argues ANTHONY O'HEAR — so why have n't the voters been told as much ?
13 Hopefully , by the end of the decade , the farmers will accept their fate and give our sea lochs back to the wildlife .
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