Example sentences of "[pos pn] [adj] [noun] [prep] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 I was on my way down at three o'clock in the strange light of an ominous red dawn , back through a sleeping Fort William and on board for breakfast , weary but elated with my stolen night on the roof of Britain .
2 During the debate , the right hon. Member for Blaenau Gwent ( Mr. Foot ) referred , not unkindly , to my junior position in the Government .
3 My usual greeting from the cook from his kitchen on one side of the small restaurant .
4 As I pondered my professional future with the company in the late Sixties , the self doubts did n't go away easily .
5 As Joe and Biddy became a little more cheerful , discussing my possible plans for the future , I became more miserable .
6 Relieved , I turn my exhausted attention to the details of tomorrow 's expedition to the Valley of the Kings , and our return flight to Cairo .
7 As a non-specialist , I found it quite easy , with my scanty knowledge of the plants of the British Coal Measures , to identify most of the diverse flora of the famous Mazon Creek locality in Illinois .
8 I predicted 4–1 vs Chelsea ( not hard I hear you cry ) as can be seen by my astounding record in the predictions league .
9 The Coroner complimented me on my prompt reporting of the find , and after a short deliberation declared them not to be Treasure Trove and handed them back to me .
10 It was my sole contribution to the conversation .
11 Archivist reads : I give to Henry my eldest son my broad loom in the shop with my rapier and dagger and a physic book called the Breviary of Health .
12 On Wednesday night I was seized with an intolerable pain from my right temple to the tip of my right shoulder , including my right eye , cheek , and jaw , and that side of the throat .
13 When casting , I have the bomb hanging about three feet from the rod-tip ( if you always keep this distance the same you have a better chance of casting consistently ) with my right hand around the butt and reel seat , and the line looped over my index finger .
14 ‘ I was deafened in my right ear by the noise , ’ he said .
15 After listening to my heart and extracting a syringe-full of blood from an artery , they connected my right arm to the drip-feed .
16 The officer or warden should describe how he gave the necessary signal , e.g. ‘ I raised my right arm with the palm of my hand facing the defendant .
17 Therefore , I can no longer be allowed to escape criticism and analysis of my theistic views on the grounds that they are simply a matter of personal experience .
18 Clinton also admitted that , despite his objections to the war , he did not wish to resist the draft because he had already planned a political career and , therefore , wished " to maintain my political viability within the system " .
19 However I was also intelligent enough to realize that , because of my extensive reading on the topic , I was capable of inventing a pretty good story about life in that period .
20 After saving up my hard-earned wages for the past four and a half years I managed to scrape the 1750 or so quid together and bought myself the most stunning quilted maple P.R.S. Custom you ever saw .
21 Ever since coming upon Rousseau 's writings so long ago , I have tried to live with my dear wife above the glaciers in the condition he would have approved , that of the Noble Savage — in defiance of those citified creatures who multiply in the valleys far below .
22 In contrast with my wishful thinking of the day before , I now found it impossible to visualize anything after the moment when the lights would go out and the window of the block would be thrown open .
23 My poetic image of the Lady of the Hearth was grounded sharply on one particular occasion when , suffering from raging au , and having to cope with the demands of two small children in a freezing house , I struggled over and over again to make the wood catch fire .
24 He 'd swear of course that he 'd never again steal me from my proper duties with the children .
25 As you can see , we have specially adapted the sitting-room to accommodate our experts ; I have removed my old mac from the back of the armchair to give the place a more ‘ streamlined ’ look .
26 I would like to be in my old home in the Wallowa country .
27 It is pretty comprehensive and I shall certainly try some of my old favourites from the list .
28 It was an awareness of a new kind of potentiality , one very different from my old sense of the word , which had been based on the illusions of ambition .
29 I rattle my empty mug on the table .
30 After depositing my faint-hearted photographer at the foot of the craggy slope , I locked the Discovery 's transmission into low-ratio first gear for the steep climb , revved the big V8 engine decisively and gingerly eased out the clutch .
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