Example sentences of "[pos pn] [adj] [noun] [pron] [vb base] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 I be lucky I get any bloke fer more'n two monfs togewer like my ol' lady I suppose an' if I get a bloke 'e 'll be aht a' work or 'e 'll set me ter the bleed'n game like 'er I would n't be surprised but if you reely want ter now jus ' fer now for this minute I wanner enjoy it .
2 It is exactly the same tension that made The Smiths a success , and in their low-key way I suspect that Felt will keep some of the same cult appeal now they are gone .
3 There is therefore not a large discrepancy between studies of children 's linguistic abilities in this area , and studies of their cognitive abilities which show that three-year-olds are able to distinguish between causes and effects .
4 And yet in its closing passages we learn that as a poet he had ‘ no real predecessors ’ .
5 From their secluded hideouts they raid and rampage over the surrounding territory .
6 When you come to analyse his splendid breakfasts you find that with slight changes he might almost be describing a nineteen-sixties , chop-house revival period , West End restaurant lunch .
7 The British ambassador in Washington , Lord Inverchapel , fittingly commented on the hearing , ‘ I draw your attention to Mr Acheson 's denial that the programmes for aid to Greece , Turkey and Korea constitute an ideological crusade and to his following remarks which show that that is precisely what they are . ’
8 Under his sympathetic eye they reveal that they are alive .
9 From our unpublished data we conclude that TBP does not directly bind to internal pol III promoters ( or to cryptic TATA-sequences in the plasmid-vector ) .
10 If we now enquire into what exactly the acquisition of a fully upright posture and all its attendant psychological advantages had for our hominid ancestors I think that we are now in a position to give a fairly specific and detailed answer .
11 In the published version of your parliamentary intervention you admit that ‘ there is an association between health and all the factors that he [ David Blunkett ] has mentioned ’ but go on to claim that health variations are being examined as part of The Health of the Nation strategy .
12 The religious implications of this are clear ; but to our present purpose we notice that the vagrants and the beggars lead us away from ‘ economic man ’ towards other kinds of existence .
13 2 Find out the main factors on your surgical ward which help or hinder patient comfort .
14 It is vital that to get the best performance from your newly-purchased system you read AND follow the information provided , and if necessary contact the supplier or manufacturer if you do not understand any particular point .
15 Retributivism thus fits in well with our commonsense intuitions which insist that it is indeed morally relevant whether the person punished has behaved well , badly or very badly in the past .
16 ‘ The popular imagination ’ is , perhaps , a loose and misguiding expression ; any survey will show that there are those among our fellow citizens who believe that the Prime Minister is a man called ‘ Mr Churchill ’ , that the Poet Laureate is an effete young person with golden curly hair and that Dr Findlay is alive and well and practising in Tannochbrae .
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