Example sentences of "[pos pn] [noun sg] were [prep] [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ He and my father were in the army together , friends .
2 But , you see , with all this , and , indeed , before all this , the two happiest relationships of my life were with a schoolfriend called Melanie Smith with whom I used to listen to records of Carousel and Oklahoma ! on an old , wind-up gramophone , and with the hockey-ball when I became goalie of the first eleven .
3 Beryl and her freind were in the living-room , across the passage .
4 ( By the beginning of the fifth century ) the Olympian religion and its mythology were in a state of crisis .
5 And , and that 's only because her husband were on a promise from her .
6 She and her husband were on the brink of breaking up and she could not cope with personal relationships .
7 She made it sound as if her husband were in the employ of a superior company .
8 Rhodes and her baby were at the centre of a nationwide hunt last month when they went missing .
9 A sobbing girl said : ‘ Gerard and his mum were in the living room when the shooting started .
10 The second episode which Mrs Whitehouse says she remembers with a mixture of ‘ amusement and incredulity ’ involved a scene in which Alf and his son-in-law were in the living room reading : Mike , a football book , and Alf a book that can not at first be seen .
11 When I first knew Emerson , the days of his glory were in the past .
12 Those around him anxious to please and do his bidding were in no doubt as to what he wanted and desperately sought a solution at any price that would satisfy their commander-in-chief .
13 He was stripped to the waist and the scars on his chest were like a map of the battles in which he had fought .
14 When the AA van arrived they informed him they could not take his car home unless he or his girlfriend were in the recovery van .
15 And like all of the other investors , he and his wife were in a quandry .
16 He kept listening for sounds that would tell him Blackbeard and his henchman were in the vicinity .
17 I presume that more patients from his district were near the top of our waiting list ; in addition to , a third of the patients having such bypass operations from his district this year had unstable angina and were operated on urgently .
18 My landlord and his servant were in no hurry to help , and could not have climbed the cellar steps more slowly , but luckily a woman , who I supposed was the housekeeper , rushed into the room to calm the dogs .
19 He used to come and collect that , and er But er the union well we were alright A chap named he was the secretary and er and Jack he was the president and me Dad were on the committee , there were several of on the committee .
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