Example sentences of "[pos pn] [noun sg] to the [noun sg] in " in BNC.

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1 I am grateful to my hon. Friend the Member for Newham , North-West ( Mr. Banks ) for drawing my attention to the article in the Evening Standard .
2 I get out , my head to the side in foolish frustration .
3 Er and that 's I think the basis of the erm strategy I 've set out in my statement to the examination in public .
4 She had said ‘ the rest of you ’ and I had never heard her so distance herself before , but what astonished me was the realisation that my father must have been at that party , must have returned with my mother to the villa in the small hours , must have been aware of me in my little white pyjamas and Panama hat .
5 This month 's winning letter comes from Donna Davidson who , amidst a big postbag on the subject of Steffi Graf 's popularity , offers her support to the German in an honest and fair way .
6 This book has a symbiotic relationship with Professor Stone 's earlier volume , The Family , Sex and Marriage in England 1500–1800 , drawing heavily as it does on the idea of the emergence of affective individualism in family relationships and its link to the rise in marital unhappiness during both the eighteenth and the twentieth centuries .
7 The men went in and stated their case to the man in charge , but he merely informed them that they would get nothing immediately and that they were to come back when their money had gone .
8 Today they took their case to the inquest in Cirencester .
9 The woman twisted her mouth to the side in an expression of some scepticism , and glanced narrowly at the horse that was gratefully cropping the grass around them .
10 The current deteriorating standards of living and acute social problems that owe so much of their origin to the decline in the economy suggest that the inheritance at the time of Independence of a highly developed mining sector was a very mixed blessing : the lack of balance it occasioned in the economic base has resulted in serious economic and social disequilibrium with the locus of control resting as much with decisions made in the London Metal Market as with policies established in Lusaka .
11 No one seemed to question its relevance to the issue in hand .
12 Librarians must be able to interpret the value of each bibliography , its authority , its currency , and its relevance to the work in hand .
13 Those who are not familiar with this background , or wish to take some advantage of it , be they customers , arbitrators , or the exchange 's own employees or members , are often suspicious about claims as to the form this business background takes , and its relevance to the matter in hand .
14 Some time before her marriage to the dauphin in November 1558 , a memorandum was drawn up describing ‘ L'Etat et puissance du royaulme d'Escosse ’ .
15 ‘ Justice ’ refers to the obligation of the Prison Service to treat prisoners with humanity and fairness , and to prepare them for their return to the community in a way which makes it less likely that they will re-offend .
16 And of course a familiar populist complaint about modernist fiction is that it does not communicate its meaning to the reader in a clear and comprehensible way .
17 3 The defender turns his palm upwards , twisting her body to the right in the process .
18 A paragraph about her reaction to the house in Muswell Hill being investigated by the police stated that , no matter what renovation was done there , she would not live in it .
19 WHO turns its attention to the matter in its latest Technical Report , which notes the experience of representative nations from Algeria to Zimbabwe .
20 In the early years of the fifth century the Roman province of Belgica , west of the Rhine frontier , was invaded by the Germanic-speaking Franks , the people who were to give their name to the country in which they settled .
21 The Virgin bent her head to the dove in pictures of the Annunciation , and it pierced her through the ear , bringing her the Word that was life itself , down into her womb ; that was what Rosa wanted , Tommaso 's mouth next to her ear , until she , like the woman with her lover in the doorway , would wriggle and gasp .
22 It drifted the globe for just over two years looking for a port to discharge the ash , and even changed its name to the Pelicano in an attempt to escape detection .
23 In the final phase of our advanced courses development programme , the Diploma in Public Administration will change its name to the Diploma in Public Services Management .
24 Maneka Gandhi resigned as Minister of State for Environment and Forests on Oct. 26 [ for her appointment to the post in December 1989 see p. 37125 ] .
25 And on P22 , they report on their flight to the plant in the company 's top-range business single , the Trinidad TB20 .
26 At yesterday 's tree planting Mrs Frank thanked the pupils for their commitment to the community in doing something which benefited other people now and in the future .
27 It must be borne in mind that this distribution , while , likely to be typical of the 1910 sample as a whole , does reflect that sample sage structure : the information comes from marriages logged very largely between 1910 and 1920 and obviously tells us more about the families that sent their daughter to the trade in the 1900s than about the earlier decades .
28 The parity grid arrangement is similar in its operation to the snake in that absolute intervention points are set for each member currency against every other at which central banks are obliged to buy or sell their own currencies .
29 But this does not exclude the possibility of convictions for the use of physical force well beyond that which may reasonably be expected in a game : the borderline is vague , but presumably the courts will decide particular cases by reference to the degree of violence used , its relation to the play in the game , any evidence of intent , and so on .
30 Ronni flashed a glance at him , struggling to match her expression to the staccato in her voice .
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