Example sentences of "[pos pn] [noun sg] in [noun] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 The barman took my watch in payment by the way . ’
2 I was doing my SHO in paediatrics at the time , and I had a word with my boss .
3 I had to leave my place in front of the screen frequently and go behind to convince myself that each new voice was indeed coming from the same man .
4 She wanted to say in her other voice , the one she had mislaid outside , So here you are at last , on my estate , in my house , at my place in front of the fire .
5 However , I 've just spent an interesting few minutes with my nose in line with the needles , gingerly winding the transfer carriage along with the ribber on half pitch — all in the interests of this article you understand , while hoping I would n't damage the transfer needle !
6 As an American I can only hang my head in shame over the Bill Clinton sex scandal .
7 Before I call the Home Secretary , I should say that I understand that a notice of appeal has now been lodged but that I propose to exercise my discretion in respect of the sub judice rule to allow questions covering the Home Secretary 's statement .
8 The letter with my name in English on the envelope , a Moroccan stamp , and a list of requests from my family for a white bridal veil to go with my sister 's wedding dress , surgical stockings for my brother and a china dish for my mother .
9 It 's no exaggeration to say that I owe my start in politics to the G M B because after having worked , as Dick said , for the G M B for a number of years it was the support of the G M B which helped me win the nomination for Chesterly Street and in the early eighties I can remember when er the Labour Party was going through a difficult period it was officials and members of the G M B who were a steadying influence in my constituency , as they have been ever since .
10 About five weeks before that I had come home in my first university term , and got undressed for my bath in front of the bathroom mirror .
11 You may judge the state of my temper in future by the way I address him .
12 ‘ I want an archway built in my garden in time for the wedding of Lina and Pablo next Saturday .
13 I 'm going to sacrifice maybe holidays this year , and maybe have a couple of long weekend breaks , as long as I earn enough to keep my head above water and to pay my way in life for the next twelve months , keep my family fed and watered I 'm Okay , then I 'm going to take stock in twelve months ' time .
14 But he said : ‘ I am not bitter about it , I would not have missed my time in football for the world , it was wonderful . ’
15 Throughout the 1970s I had been mainly studying black holes , but in 1981 my interest in questions about the origin and fate of the universe was reawakened when I attended a conference on cosmology organized by the Jesuits in the Vatican .
16 In 1985 , ACTA established a national maritime art award and P&O Containers have decided to continue their support in partnership with the Australian National Maritime Museum .
17 The crisis was described as the worst of its kind in Europe since the end of the Second World War .
18 The Association was founded by the deaf themselves in 1890 , on the appearance of the Report of the Royal Commission on the Deaf , Blind , etc. , which published suggestions altogether unsuited to the social , moral , intellectual , and spiritual welfare of the deaf , and it is the only association of its kind in existence in the United Kingdom .
19 She knows that I am well aware that the 20 complaints referred to in that evidence were ‘ unsubstantiated and had not even materialised , ’ since I have covered her case in detail since the beginning .
20 Furthermore , since they are not directives but guidelines they must be flexible enough to allow for teacher participation and the exercise of initiative so that teachers can follow their course in reference to the bearings provided .
21 If it is true , then Kingfisher should not be afraid of arguing its case in front of the Monopolies Commission .
22 It is clear though that the economic tide was running very much in the party 's direction in 1915–16 ; in 1915 the first industrial tariffs for half a century were imposed , and by a Liberal Chancellor ; in 1916 even the Manchester Chamber of Commerce joined in the demand for industrial protection , causing the resignation of its chairman in protest at the abandonment of a century of belief in free trade .
23 She took her stand in front of the desk .
24 During the war , the District continued to extend its provision in Hertfordshire through the support of Jack Longland , the Assistant Director of Education .
25 The first role clearly requires their presence in court throughout the hearing to instruct the local authority solicitor as necessary .
26 In most of Africa and Asia the British could justify their presence in terms of the white man 's burden : there was work to do , and justice to be done .
27 The Third Market , like the USM before it , doubtless owes its existence in part to the competition posed by Harvard Securities and the OTC market .
28 It is therefore important that practitioners take cognisance of its existence in relation to the needs of elderly people .
29 The measure was condemned by some economists as crude and ill-conceived , particularly since it threatened to wipe out the personal savings of many ordinary people : Soviet citizens were generally disinclined to place their money in accounts with the state savings bank , either because of mistrust , or because the low interest rate provided little incentive , or because it was necessary to carry a large amount of cash in case of chancing upon a scarce commodity which had suddenly come into stock in a state shop .
30 The High Court 's Sept. 2 judgment ( following a petition filed by Win Chadha , one of those named by the CBI as centrally involved in the scandal ) had intervened as a cantonal court in Geneva was due to deliver its verdict in response to the CBI 's request for assistance .
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