Example sentences of "[pos pn] [noun sg] and it [verb] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 I keep getting awful pains in my side and it makes me go all hot .
2 They took another twenty people to hospital and I had the dairy roof down on my back and it took them two hours to dig me out .
3 My diary was in my barrel-bag and it had my cash card number in it , hidden amongst the telephone numbers under RM Essential .
4 I did n't want to lose any of my squad and it makes my job a little bit easier this summer . ’
5 ‘ This is probably the first time a lot of these artists have exhibited their work and it made our job even harder having to eliminate pieces to decide on the final winners .
6 Right it pinched its place and it pinched its charge , it displaced it it pinched it out of its nice cosy relationship
7 She could feel his heartbeat against her breast and it gave her a feeling of longing she had never experienced before .
8 Wilson knew she was being patronised if not mocked outright , but no trace of expression crossed her face and it gave her satisfaction that she knew it did not .
9 Around him he began to see the unfolding beauty of early summer in his homeland and it held him still with wonder and made him forget the passing of the days .
10 After a while Marcus came to his window and it seemed he stared straight into my eyes .
11 Iron Josh also had his instinct and it told him that , no matter how much he had tried to hide the fact that he was worried , Bertha had guessed .
12 I imitated his style and it got me into trouble . ’
13 I should n't have asked that , Florence Ames thought , he does n't care to be questioned about his mother and it makes me seem too familiar , too prying .
14 It asks you what you 've got to do for , it tells you what you 've to do for your test and it tells you what you should and what you should n't do , it 's only forty one pages so if you want to read it you can have it , it 's quite good , it 's not full pages either it 's like drawings and just bits of paragraphs .
15 Erm , I wear make up as a mask basically gives me confidence and it stops me having to be myself which I feel is n't good enough for the public
16 It places member against member , it causes division , it destroys our solidarity and it weakens our movement .
17 I suppose we thought Vic must have said try it this way because Matt and I were already into our quarrel and it shows what a pro he was to his fingertips that he carried on as per normal .
18 Colleagues , can I now take , er , a moment of your time and it gives me very great pleasure to call upon the President to deliver his address to congress .
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