Example sentences of "[pos pn] [noun sg] the [noun] [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 My worst dive was when on descending a sudden shock of cold water hit my tooth sending a shock wave up my nerve the nerve ran through a sinus causing extreme pain this is called a dental trauma I had to abandon the dive immediately .
2 In my opinion the approach adopted by the coroner to the question whether an inquest should be held in this case was not correct .
3 Morphological evidence is also ambiguous , so in my opinion the trichotomy shown in Box 1 is not yet resolved .
4 Now my Lord the defendants say of course , that they were never asked by the plaintiff to get him out of the contract so that the duty er never arose .
5 In my judgment the principle established by the authorities to which I have referred ( other than the Manchester Corporation case [ 1891 ] 1 Q.B. 94 ) is that any corporation , whether trading or non-trading , which can show that it has a corporate reputation ( as distinct from that of its members ) which is capable of being damaged by a defamatory statement , can sue in libel to protect that reputation , in the same way as can a natural person , although there will of course be certain types of statement which can not defame an artificial person .
6 Bearing in mind the words of article 10(2) , in my judgment the right to sue for malicious falsehood gives to a corporate public authority all such rights as are ‘ necessary in a democratic society , ’ i.e. for which there exists a pressing social need , for the protection of its reputation .
7 Almost certainly in my view the statue belongs to the base and the two were the source of that story and of Pliny 's apparently garbled family tree .
8 ‘ In my view the Government made at least one fundamental mistake when drawing up the legislation , by ensuring that it was the duty of the regulating authority to pay most of the cost of updating old permissions to modern standards .
9 As Paige hastened into her shirt the drone changed to the recognisable beat of helicopter blades .
10 On their part the workers protested over " oppressions " in the shape of late wage payment , truck , " stoppages " from pay for allegedly deficient workmanship , of effecting wage cuts by increasing the measure of work expected for a " price " , and of deducting excessive charges for rent of equipment and the supply of essential items , as often as they did of employers ' combinations to lower wages .
11 For its part the IRA announced on April 22 that it would suspend attacks on Protestant " death squads " , although attacks on UK government and security forces would continue .
12 In coming to its decision the Tribunal bore in mind the following and I quote :
13 Upon return to their base the Captain disappears to the Ops Room to brief them about the incident , whilst his team once again prepare the equipment .
14 In its curriculum the school concentrated on mathematics and science ; there were courses in algebra , geometry and Newtonian physics .
15 Nutty , picturing in her mind the agility required of the cross-country performer , ground her teeth with frustration .
16 but if the elderly pensioner does n't read all the solicitor 's correspondence or the solicitor does n't communicate every fact of the correspondence but relies solely on the brochure they 're carrying in their pocket or their handbag the brochure taken in isolation might mislead might it not ?
17 Does my right hon. Friend recall that , when he was eight and I was a little older , Her Majesty the Queen acceded to the throne ?
18 Of course , these trips are not compulsory , but as one Eton parent put it : ‘ Few parents would want to deny their child the opportunity to play for the school under these circumstances . ’
19 Through her marriage the lands passed to the Dukes of Manchester .
20 The doctor had told the boy to leave and get his father , but on their return the doctor appeared at the door of the hut and handed the boy 's father a baby girl wrapped in his wife 's shawl .
21 Before her accident the plaintiff wanted to be a conference organiser and had intended to go into hospitality management as a career .
22 As a leading historian of medieval technology has remarked , ‘ No European community felt able to hold up its head unless in its midst the planets wheeled in cycles and epicycles , whilst angels trumpeted and countermarched at the booming of the hours . ’
23 It was so sudden that even her doctors were taken by surprise , and to her husband the news came as a profound shock .
24 For much of their service the Perths operated from Mount Batten , flew exercises over the Irish Sea , participated in naval manoeuvres by co-operating with the British Fleet , and used Stranraer as a second base .
25 Each time she heard her name the girl stared at them more anxiously than ever , as if she wanted to speak , to excuse herself , but was too exhausted .
26 At her elbow the candle burned with a steady flame , which was more than that perspiring fool of a doctor with letters after his name had been able to say about the Colonel 's heart .
27 Announcing their victory the Dwarfs retreat to the mountains and refuse to fight any more .
28 Shortly after her birth the family moved to Clapham , south London , where she was educated at home .
29 Penry stared at her incredulously , then to her relief the tension drained from his face before her eyes as his muscular , beautiful torso began to vibrate with laughter .
30 For nearly all of its length the Stir flows through the Great Forest and is fed by numerous springs and brooks .
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