Example sentences of "[pos pn] [noun sg] even [subord] [pron] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 I did n't nick my skin even though I shaved quickly .
2 The second sense mentioned by Cotte is " permission given " , and can be illustrated by a sentence such as : ( 215 ) The doctor let me donate blood for my father even though I had a mild case of the flu .
3 Omar was a devout Muslim and like the best Somalis was proud and fearless , though he proved to be remarkably tactful and forbearing whenever I was impatient or angry , and always upheld my authority even when I made a mistake .
4 I know I must finish clearing up the lawn , but , before doing so , I decide to telephone Auntie to come over on her bike even though I know it will take her an hour to get here from Hambledown .
5 Ruby did not want to , she wanted to talk about her technique even though it had let her down .
6 And in another case , decided in the same year , the Court of Appeal held that a mistress was entitled to a beneficial interest in the house she had shared with her lover even though he had left it to marry another woman .
7 She may be invited to be its Chancellor even though she 's only got one O-level .
8 John and Isabel were happy in their marriage even although they had to go into hiding occasionally , with friends or on the muirs .
9 His Lordship could not accept that a sensible construction of paragraph 19 involved that , provided only the commercial deputising service was large and efficient enough , the FPC was in practice obliged to give its consent even though it knew that the doctor in question intended to delegate his entire practice to such an organisation .
10 She was sitting on the opposite side of the grate and Louise Carter thought fleetingly how proud Nora had always been of her daughter even when they had been dramatically at loggerheads and how pleased she would be if she could see her now , in her elegant black dress and silver jewellery .
11 In inviting her Rachel had proclaimed the absolute acceptability to her of her daughter even though she knew that Rachel did not feel this .
12 This time , his look of puzzlement was far too exaggerated to be genuine , but she kept her voice even as she said , ‘ What … did … you … mean ? ’
13 The heat of his body was like a magnet and she knew she would not have been able to move her hand even if he had let her .
14 There were no landmarks , no features by which they could determine their position even if it had been light enough to see them .
15 All of the family members should be encouraged to put forward their viewpoint even if it differs from that expressed by others .
16 They are all female and since they too are also reproductively sufficient unto themselves , they can do the same thing as their mother even before they have left her body .
17 His father , the Colonel , with his ramrod-straight back , still using his title even though he had retired from the Army more than twenty years ago .
18 There is every reason to believe that he would have pursued his policy even if it had been unpopular ( as it temporarily became in 1967 ) .
19 She pressed her cool palm against his open mouth , hushing his enquiry even as she answered it .
20 Fénéon , like other excellent critics , was a valued friend of artists , and so he remained all his life even though he gave up writing criticism after a decade of working on the Revue blanche from 1893 to 1903 .
21 If a person assaults another who turns out to be a policeman , he can he convicted of assaulting a constable in the execution of his duty even though he had no knowledge that the other was a policeman , or even the means of such knowledge .
22 Forget the hand on your hair even though it hurts , and ram the heel of your palm into his mouth as he raises his own fist .
23 If someone like a foster carer , relative or a step-parent has looked after your child for 3 years or more they can apply to a court for custody of your child even if you disagree .
24 They know your business even though you think they do n't , they do cos I tell you
25 The first thing to remember is that you have not necessarily lost your place even if you have n't quite made the grades required .
26 but you see the , the sad thing of this is , if you 've got a , a little family and then you ca n't , because the man has lost his job , you 're turned out of your house even if you 've paid five or six years on it
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