Example sentences of "[pos pn] [noun sg] have [adv] [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Once or twice my mum has even gone into a light trance , and , though she has n't yet contacted anyone interesting , we have great hopes of her .
2 My mind had suddenly switched to my dinner date with the French family .
3 My roof has no felt on the underside .
4 Oh brilliant I think my gob 's just recovered from that .
5 According to Mr Charles , my father had duly driven to one village and was on the point of entering a second when either Mr Smith or Mr Jones noticed the village was Brigoon — that is to say the third , not the second , name of the sequence .
6 I understood very quickly that if you are easy you get everything you want , so I got the message quickly that if my mother and my father had never to hear about boring things like teachers , school and things like this , I could get everything I wanted .
7 Then , as my breath has now returned to me and I find myself in the company of my bestest friend , it is my considered opinion that we proceed together upon the epic journey and face as one whatever adventures lie before . ’
8 I did not venture to express my opinion , fearing that my taste might have become corrupted by my long residence in the Indies ; but since my companion had recently come from France , it was quite a relief to hear him say that he had seen nothing in Europe quite so bold and majestic . ’
9 Jamie and the girl were inches away from me , holding me by an arm each , being bumped into frequently , but my drunkenness had now got to such a state — as the last two quickly consumed pints and an accompanying whisky caught up with my racing bloodstream — that I might as well have been on another planet for all the hope I had of making them understand what I wanted .
10 You have to understand that no one but my family had ever lived at Low Birk Hatt before I sold it .
11 I was astonished — no one in my family had ever suffered from it but the doctor explained that it had happened entirely because of the shock of the mugging .
12 I had only just joined the school as my family had recently moved into the area .
13 My family have all gone to America now ; left me and my kids in England .
14 My mother had already gone to bed .
15 The BeSHT became so influential that the leaders of the people , the power-manipulators and self-appointed guardians of the Law , had no alternative but to do what their like has always done to those who broke loose , butterfly-like : They excommunicated him ; marginalised his usefulness ; neutered his religious potency : ‘ A prophet is not without honour … ’
16 The central figure Source A whose ‘ evidence ’ Channel 4 relied on to make their programme has already admitted to RUC detectives and journalists that he was coached to read a script containing the allegations before Channel 4 cameras in a London flat .
17 Yes , her condition had greatly deteriorated since the child 's near-fatal accident .
18 I explained , however , that because her arousal had clearly remained at a high pitch during uninterrupted lovemaking , she had indeed experienced a multiple orgasm .
19 ‘ And after that , ’ Woolley said , ‘ you will come back here and stop the German air force from examining the hole which their artillery has just blown in the British Line , a hole about the size of Lancashire , and that will be the biggest waste of time of all , because the German Army found that hole an hour ago , and is now galloping through it as fast as its little legs will carry it , heading in the direction of … ’ he snipped the final toe-nail and straightened his leg to study the fault' … us . ’
20 May I join the Prime Minister — and , I am sure , the whole House — in sending good wishes to Her Majesty , and in expressing the admiration that I know is felt throughout our country , the Commonwealth and , indeed , the wider world for the wisdom , strength and dedication that Her Majesty has invariably shown throughout the four decades in which she has been our sovereign ?
21 That 's put you in your place , my girl ; Roman had n't even enquired how she was — their lovemaking had already vanished into limbo as far as he was concerned .
22 There has been a long resistance to accepting that , in spite of the logical stringency with which laws in science are formulated , interrelated and tested , their origin has never ceased to be the same .
23 Their rundown had more to do with their social function becoming anachronistic .
24 Their attitude had certainly contributed to , not lessened , the family conflict .
25 And things like writing leaflets in a way you know that comes up in meetings we 'd better write a leaflet and the response usually 's , Oh n gosh we ca n't do things like that you know , we ca n't speak in public , we ca n't write leaflets and in fact we do you know we find ourselves achieving these things and and I mean I think men really their attitude has really changed over the months .
26 Lip-reading skills were of little use because her vocabulary had almost died of starvation .
27 But Pauline Woolgrove , chief sterling trader , looked up from the dealing tickets for the several hundred million pound deals her desk had successfully completed during the night .
28 It is a pity some of the professionals were not there learning alongside them : back on the South Bank a full-scale festival of Canadian music is running all week , but its profile has barely risen to the Plimsoll line .
29 She and her husband had only moved to a government-sponsored caravan park south of Miami after Hurricane Andrew destroyed their home last August .
30 Some news in brief — the Polmont housewife who plotted to kill her husband has again appeared in court .
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