Example sentences of "[pos pn] [noun sg] have be [vb pp] in " in BNC.

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1 That 's why my unit has been brought in .
2 An RUC spokesman said : ‘ It is surprising that in many cases , people who have lost quite large sums do n't take the trouble to check with police to find out if their money has been handed in . ’
3 She released her breath , and with it went the tension her body had been locked in .
4 The forms that are issued will give householders the first indication of the valuation band their property has been placed in and which will be used to calculate the level of council tax .
5 ‘ Her head and the side of her face had been bashed in , ’ said Melissa .
6 His half-brother had been called in to act as best man in place of his real brother who had vanished to Spain .
7 His skull had been kicked in and the dark blood seeped out , mingling with the grey sludge of his brains .
8 Been in the ground more than two hundred years , Dr. Mac said , and he showed me the crack — just like a cracked cup — where his skull had been bashed in .
9 His bed had been slept in , but there was no sign of Travis .
10 Raymond Starr , Director of Child Care and Family Services , confirmed that his agency had been called in because Orkney Islands Council did not have the resources to deal with a case of this kind .
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