Example sentences of "[pos pn] [noun sg] of [noun] to [noun] " in BNC.

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1 This letter is primarily to ask you to note my change of address to Rossendale , Lancs , with immediate effect .
2 During our last dog sledge trip I had talked of my love of whales to Odd-Knut .
3 After I had written my letter of acceptance to Bedford I began to look for digs nearer the university : I was determined to show some independence .
4 The model takes such actions for granted because its reduction of macro to micro has bracketed out the conditions under which it might be put in question .
5 The Treasury , with its provision of guidance to departments on the development and application of output measures and performance indicators .
6 On numerous other occasions I saw attempts to mobilize band-wide agreement or co-operation fail utterly when faced with the passive but intractable opposition of individuals to yielding their freedom of action to group consensus .
7 Why , having found herself remarkably unmoved by her succession of boyfriends to date , even Jeremy 's cunning ploys and reasoned arguments , and having reached the not inconsiderable age of twenty-four , had she been consumed with that burning hunger last night ?
8 Golding and Middleton ( 1982 ) analysed press reports in their study of attitudes to poverty , and Ferguson ( 1983 ) analysed thirty years ' worth of three women 's magazines as data for her research into what she calls the ‘ cult of femininity ’ .
9 , our recently-appointed Evaluation Officer , has now begun her programme of visits to schools , colleges , and training centres .
10 Central to its distance learning approach is its range of services to students , mainly carried out by tutors through the University 's regional centres .
11 Teachers were also asked to assess the extent to which these concepts or skills contributed to the HMI eight areas of experience and their degree of relevance to pupils in terms of getting a job ; personal development ; subject development ; leisure , and so forth .
12 A widely held view is that animals can be ranked on a scale , a ‘ phylogenetic ’ scale , based on their degree of similarity to humans .
13 A related misconception is that kin selection can operate only if an animal can recognize its degree of relationship to others .
14 The Palestinians were thus caught in a moral circle , although they rarely cared to debate the morality of what they were doing to the Lebanese : if they failed to fight the Israelis , then they sacrificed their right of return to Palestine ; yet if they did attack the Israelis , they created a new class of refugees among the Lebanese , mostly from the poor Shia community in southern Lebanon .
15 She then signed a form provided by the hospital , which was neither read nor explained to her , signifying her refusal of consent to blood transfusions .
16 Kenamun 's deadline came and went , but Taheb , with her ease of access to information , heard nothing to suggest that the Medjay captain had been either dismissed or taken off the case .
17 Rick Parry , director of the Manchester Olympic bid committee , commented that the city should overcome this difficulty by its record of opposition to apartheid , which already includes staging anti-apartheid festivals .
18 Thus , when the Chancellor of the Exchequer increased tobacco duty , the tenant 's rent increased , although its ratio of profit to turnover decreased and its actual profit on each packet of cigarettes was generally speaking not favourably affected .
19 Its ratio of costs to income was a miserly 40% last year , good even for a thrift ; most banks would be proud of a figure below 60% .
20 In the DM985m ( $112m ) deal , Allianz acquired 5% of AMB ; Munich Re , which is linked to Allianz through a large cross-shareholding , bought about 3% , bringing its total stake to 8.6% ; and Dresdner Bank , itself partly owned by Allianz , took another 3% , raising its share of AMB to 14% .
21 Their intake of 40g to 60g daily is thought , by many medical experts and eminent medical authorities , to be highly significant in relation to the fact that major killers of the Western world , like cancer of the bowel and heart disease , are virtually unknown in these high fibre consuming societies .
22 The Soviet Union is making strenuous efforts to reduce its dependence on imports , boosting its use of fertilizers to levels above those anywhere else , but its enlistment of poor , fragile land in the battle for self-sufficiency in the early 1970s has meant a loss of land through abandonment in the 1980s , perhaps as much as 13 per cent of the peak grain area .
23 So after a year 's preliminary investigation they moved the charter and their centre of government to Boston ( Massachusetts , though named after the East Anglian port ) in 1630 and made it clear that they intended to cut off all official connection with the English government .
24 I introduced this historical discussion by posing three questions about whether there has been a reduction in people 's actual support for their kin , or in their sense of obligation to kin , or simply change in both .
25 But , from her barrage of questions to Anya , I can guess .
26 Until recently , most people in this country limited their choice of cheese to cheddar .
27 This potentially infringes the " undivided loyalty " rule , even if the information about B was unknown to the individual advising A. If the information was passed on to A the firm would , however , breach its duty of confidentiality to B. A final example is that of a broker/dealer carrying out an agency cross and matching the transactions of two clients .
28 While the firm would not be compelled to disclose or utilise the information about B when advising A , the fact that it owes a duty of confidentiality to B will not necessarily constitute a defence to a breach of its duty of disclosure to A. If the firm is to be fully protected it must obtain A2 's consent to its acting in the conflict situation after informing him of its conflicting duties and the fact that it can not perform its full duties of disclosure .
29 Her mother had handed over most of her fortune of £50,000 to Rotha and this was used to fund the organization .
30 The discussions of the aforementioned Lok and Benjy are remarkable for their lack of reference to Halliday .
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