Example sentences of "[pos pn] [noun sg] that [pron] [verb] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ You 've won , Leo , ’ she managed quietly , ‘ and I hope with all my heart that you find it a pyrrhic victory . ’
2 Then I became the black sheep and I found to my horror that everyone thought I was off my bloody head .
3 ‘ It boggles my mind that everyone thinks they can pull the wool over the eyes of a company that 's had 30 years experience in dicking rock bands .
4 What can I do though , Karen , it 's not my fault that I love it , surely ?
5 He has tried to overcome it because you are so much his inferior and it is my opinion that he finds he ca n't and that vexes his proud heart .
6 But although I wrote in my diary that I wished I were dead , I never seriously considered death — suicide — as a solution to my problems .
7 ‘ It was on my instruction that he telephoned you , ’ Ven cut her off .
8 You may gather from my behaviour that I meant you , not Jones .
9 One day I suggested to my father that he buy me a pair of binoculars .
10 I happened to have with me the journal of Dorothy Wordsworth on my trip to the Dales as I had forgotten to return it to the public library , and you have my word that I dropped it the instant I was made aware that they were harbouring a drug addict .
11 It would take far too long to tell you in detail how I identified the specific genetic patterns of these chromosomes ; you 'll have to accept my assurance that I believe I did identify them . ’
12 ‘ If you had n't known before , it must surely have occurred to you then , that it was a measure of my besottedness that I let you get away with it . ’
13 I got so tired of having juice pouring into my bag that I take it in a little lemonade bottle now .
14 Er , the recommendation to those committees was that they should treat the paper as a basis for consultation , it was on that basis that they approved it , it was my impression that they support it in general terms .
15 It sticks in my throat that you know we 've had to pay it but , from the point of view of the residents , we 've done the right thing by letting it .
16 I thought it was n't fair that I should begin to show when I was barely into my fourth month , and I got angry with my clothes , as if it were their fault that I pulled them out of shape .
17 Ricky was so furious with Perdita for deliberately sabotaging her scholarship that he gave her the sack .
18 The staff talked only banalities at her , until she could have screamed with irritation , and try as she might to ignore it , there was no doubt in her mind that they disliked her , these crisp women in their crisp uniforms .
19 ‘ Do n't you see — ca n't you remember how it was ? ’ he asked , when everything was so indelibly imprinted on her mind that she knew she would never forget a moment of it .
20 This was the first time she had seen Naylor since her discovery that she loved him .
21 Afterwards she felt that Sarah had deliberately steered the conversation away from Terry , and recalling her remark that they knew him better than she did , Anne felt uneasy without quite knowing why .
22 But it rejected her claim that he told her to come to work in suspenders .
23 Mrs Barrie-Brown left Fresden to the Roman Research Trust , specifying in the codicil to her will that she wanted it to be turned into an educational centre .
24 When the Queen of the Wilis commands Giselle to rise and dance him to his death , so strong is. her love that she helps him to dance until cockcrow when he will survive .
25 She went with Breeze to call upon Mrs Rossitter , who was so charmed with her voice that she engaged her on the spot to read to her for two hours every day .
26 She relayed several more messages , conveying by her voice that she thought it was time he appeared in his office .
27 Frankenstein created a man but he was so disgusted by its sight that he gave it no name .
28 She took it from him and sipped at the sweet sherry , reminded by its taste that he bought it specially because she did n't like sweet sherry .
29 She says in her letter that he misses me dreadfully . ’
30 He ought to have been over the moon at her suggestion that she leave him , but instead it seemed to have made him angry .
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