Example sentences of "[to-vb] in [conj] [vb infin] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 A House of Commons Select Committee found that local authorities had a considerable amount of discretion over what to include in or exclude from the secular curriculum .
2 fancy let to go in and mix with the grouting , its a bit of a cheek in it ?
3 At the end of the last series , presenter Gordon Burns invited anyone who was interested in taking part to write in and ask for a place — and Paul was among the 8,000 who applied .
4 Typically , the National Front would announce an intention to meet in or march through a racially sensitive area , and the Socialist Workers Party would then declare their determination to demonstrate against fascism at the same time .
5 We want access to the same range of opportunities to participate in and contribute to the society in which we live .
6 It ill becomes a foreigner to look in and pontificate on a short visit but it seemed to me that Australia as a rich country had given them only material goods , which merely sapped their self-sufficiency and their self-respect .
7 We used to walk in and stand at the foot of one of the giant cranes .
8 As I looked up , I saw that water was beginning to slop in and trickle down the wall .
9 He was laughing at her , yet in such a nice way that she had to give in and join in the laughter .
10 Then came the snow and she had to stay in and watch from the window how it piled up against the water butt , how it lay like a blanket along the sills , how it changed the distance from bluey brown to white as far as you could see .
11 A seamen 's canteen licence only permits the sale of alcoholic liquor for consumption in the canteen , and it is an offence to supply in or take from a seamen 's canteen liquor for consumption off the premises ( see s.96 ) .
12 Once people have been diagnosed as suffering from food poisoning , or have been struck down by viral infactions and diseases caused by doubtful practices , it is necessary for somebody to step in and legislate for the industry .
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